From a young age, we’re taught to memorize the alphabet, our home address, multiplication tables, and even the colors of the rainbow. Whether we know it or not, memorizing is a part of our everyday life. We use it in...
Everything You Need to Know About the 6 Rights of Medication Administration
The 6 rights of medication administration are probably one of the most important guidelines you need to remember as a nurse. While they can be tricky to remember, recalling all six rights will help you administer...
Fundamentals of Nursing: Seizure Precautions
Seizure precautions are an integral part of the fundamentals of nursing; learning them will help you ensure your future patient’s health and safety. Remembering the nursing seizure precautions and interventions is not...
How to Study for and Pass Nursing Fundamentals
Congratulations! You’ve enrolled in nursing school and should be proud of yourself for embarking on this journey. As you follow the path to become a nurse and join the world of healthcare, it may feel surreal...
What is ADPIE & The Nursing Process?
The nursing process is a fundamental staple concept to understand in nursing school, both for exams and during clinical with patients and will follow you throughout your entire nursing career. What are the 5 Steps...
7 USMLE Step 1 Exam Day Mistakes You Don’t Know You’re Making in Medical School & Tips To Improve Your Score
It’s the day before the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 1 exam, and your stress level is at an all-time high. You’ve spent the past two years as a medical student learning high-yield medical...
Is it Too Early to Study for the NCLEXⓇ? And Other Answers for When to Start Studying for the NCLEX
When you’re busy with nursing school, planning clinical rotations, and, well, life, taking the NCLEX-RNⓇ can seem a lifetime away. But…time after time, we hear the test comes up quickly after graduating from RN...
Webinars to Watch While Studying for NCLEX-RNⓇ
The weeks before the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses—or the NCLEX-RNⓇ for short—are full of questions. And only some of those are the NCLEXⓇ-style questions recent nursing school graduates...
Picmonic Referral Bonus: Share & Earn Freebies
They get: 20% off for a limited time For each referral you get: a $5 Amazon e-gift card + 2 weeks free (until 12/6/24) That’s right – we’ll hook you up with a free $5 Amazon e-gift card (until...
The Best Timelines When Studying for the NCLEX®
Congratulations! If you’re reading this then you are probably about to embark on an amazing nursing journey! But first, you must be prepared to study and pass the NCLEX®. Look no further though, we’re here to help you...