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Med-Surg Lewis 9e Chapter 19

Aseptic Technique
Invasive Procedures
Skin Integrity Broken
Hands Up for Scrubbing
Keep Objects in View
Only Sterile Objects in Field
Only Sterile Touches Sterile
Edges of Sterile Field
If Sterility Questioned
If Wet or Prolonged Exposure to Air
Never Leave Sterile Area
PPE Order
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2 mins
Patient Position Overview
Position Techniques
Trochanter Roll
Trapeze Bar
Ankle-Foot Orthotic (AFO) Devices
Fowlers Position
Supine Position
Side-Lying Position
Prone Position
Sims' Position
Nursing Considerations
Reposition q2 Hours/Prevent Skin Breakdown
Confirm Body Alignment
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2 mins

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