Pass the NPTE

4 Reasons You Should Purchase Picmonic

Are you on the fence about Picmonic? You’ve looked at the trial stacks; it seems pretty neat. You’re hearing about it from other students and on the forums but the questions are still on your mind: Is this for me? Is it worth the price? I already have so many resources, do I need one more? And the biggest question – does this actually work?  Is it time to put Picmonic on the Christmas list, or shall I let it slip to the dusty recesses of my already overloaded mind? 

Before I give answers to these haunting questions, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Tammy and I’m the newest content developer here at Picmonic. I also happen to be a medical student. As a fellow student in this crusade we call medical school, all of these questions make sense. They’re questions I would ask too before purchasing yet another study aid to add to the collection. In these past few months, I’ve had the chance to finely comb through all 380+ Medicine cards.

I’ve spoken directly with students about the product and also see it in action during presentations to new users. From reading the research and books on memory, to my own personal experiences studying and making my way through the pre-med and med school crucible, I finally feel that I’m in a position to really speak on where Picmonic stands. From all of this, I’ve gathered four huge reasons to support my finding: that Picmonic is really, really worth having.

4 Reasons Why You Need Picmonic

#1 – We are naturally visual learners. And capitalizing on this will save you buttloads of time. (Yes, that’s a standard unit of measure.)

Okay, let’s do an experiment. First – try to recall the last page you read in First Aid/other study guides. How much of the text can you recall? Unless you’re supremely blessed with photographic memory, probably not much. Maybe a few key words and phrases.

Now – try to recall what your bedroom looks like. Easy, right? What about your favorite bar/restaurant hangout? Not too shabby. Your brain stores  thousands of images – where if you just think, “Hmm, Chipotle on University Ave.” – you’d immediately conjure visions of the chrome countertops, the layout of the tables, the exact location of the hot sauces and the general order of lettuce, protein selection, and other appetizing accouterments. That’s actually quite a bit of information from just one mental image – and Picmonic is here to capitalize on that potential.

We really have an incredible capacity to remember things visually and professional memory athletes use this to their advantage to do nifty things, like memorize the order of a deck of shuffled cards in a few minutes’ time (How to Memorize a Shuffled Deck of Cards in Less Than 60 Seconds). Picmonic is the only product out there that has a huge team of medical doctors, student experts, and dedicated artists working to create the best images for remembering the intense volume of material you’re expected to know.

Given the choice – do you want to learn from something like this? OR THIS? :
young man stressed and tried from studying
study place

The choice is yours, young Jedi.

#2 – It will complement and enhance everything you’re already using.

studying annoyingstudying funA big concern that’s been voiced by students considering Picmonic is the fact that it’s yet another resource, and money is tight. Picmonic is constructed with all those other resources in mind. We build the product to

directly complement sources like First Aid, Kaplan, etc. We take the same information that you need to know, but do all the categorizing, brainstorming, and packaging to present it to you in an engaging audiovisual story. We know time is pure gold during medical school, so don’t spend your precious hours conjuring ways to get those cranial nerves down pat. Yes, it does come at a slight cost, but we’re not just giving you an enhanced learning experience. We’re giving you that extra saved time now and in the future.

#3 – It’s freakin’ fun.

With traditional study materials and methods, your time is spent dealing with stuff like this:   But what if studying was something like this instead?   At Picmonic we pride ourselves on being little inspired rebels, stirring up some trouble in the world of stuffy educational tools. We’re young, hip, and ready to do whatever it takes to make learning the fun, memorable and freaking exciting thing it’s meant to be. The information you’re learning is incredibly important and is the foundation for your career as an ass-kicking physician.

But why not have fun in the process? And that’s sort of our goal – we’re constantly thinking of pictures that will make you laugh, gasp out loud, maybe shed a tear – and overall give you an engaging, multi-sensory learning experience. Combining all this makes memorization even easier!

#4 – It’s only getting better.

Our most important priority is you guys. We have team members dedicated to supporting our users, checking discussion boards, answering questions, and listening to all suggestions for improvement. You guys wanted custom stacks? We made it happen. Character consistency? It’s part of our rules now. So think of Picmonic as an investment in the future. We’re coming out with some insanely great cards; visually, with our art talent soaring to new heights, and auditorily, with completely re-vamped creative narrations. We’ve added M.D.s and medical students to our team to make sure this is the stuff you need to know. Long story short, we’re getting better, every day, in the way you want it.

Have I not convinced you yet? If I have, eeeexcellent! If not, feel free to contact us at with any suggestions and questions.

Here at Picmonic, we listen.

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