More than USMLE Step 1 Flashcards

Picmonic Pathways

Pathways Square-01It’s finally here. A way to zero in on the content that is relevant to nursing students in a nanosecond, with visual mnemonics that make facts easier to remember — you can start learning more in less time! Excited!? We are too.

Now, you can tailor study time to your needs. We’re talking streamlined, guided learning that’s super specific and will be with you every step of the way. Now, no matter where you are in your studies, you can learn or review a lot more topics in less time, by using Picmonic “Nursing Study Guide” Pathways (that provide the perfect visual study guides for nursing students).

For example, Picmonic’s Obstetrics course Pathway is the perfect obstetrics visual study guide designed to help nursing students retain information up to 331% longer than simply studying with your textbook. We give you the information in a helpful way that you remember. Seriously. Who says nursing students can’t play a anatomy learning video to learn the internal workings of the body and pass the NCLEX? We’re here to tell you you can.

Pathways for Nursing

Choose to view and organize your Picmonics by Courses, Body Systems, Books, and even NCLEX®! That’s right- you can follow through textbooks like Fundamentals of Nursing, 8th Ed., Lehne’s Pharmacology for Nursing Care, Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, and more! We’re also adding more textbook study mnemonics for new textbooks all the time, so if you have suggestions on what you’d like to see next, let us know!

Have an upcoming Med-Surg or Pharmacology exam? We’ve got you covered with a premade Pathway so that everything you need to review is at your fingertips. Each pathway includes visual mnemonics that are organized in a way that is useful for nursing students to study the topic.

Pathways are the perfect illustrated study aid for nursing students to use, and we’ve got you covered beginning with the Nursing Fundamentals all the way through to our Critical Care and Psychiatric Nursing Pathways- and everything in between. Each Picmonic “Nursing Study Guide” Pathway provides a curated list of nursing visual mnemonics to provide the best online study guides covering courses, body systems, books, and even the big exams nursing students have to take.

Maybe you don’t want to start right at the beginning, you smart devil you. That’s not a problem. Everything has been broken down into easy to learn sections. Picmonic’s Pharmacology Pathway is the perfect nursing school pharmacology visual study aid, and it’s separated into over 200 visual mnemonics. No hunting down individual topics. No need to spend time building out playlists. Now, with Picmonic’s “Nursing Study Guide” Pathways, you simply find where you are in your studies, sit back, and press play. We can see those As on your exams running your way.

Oh and don’t worry, we’re going to keep adding more Pathways, books, and new Picmonics! Plus, all this knowledge now fits in your pocket with our Android and iOS apps!


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