How to Study for the PANCE Exam and Pass

Create and Share Playlists

Create your own Playlists and share them with friends, classmates, teachers, or anyone else.

Drake Picmonic

Find your Playlists

the new playlist dashboard

Create a Playlist

  1. Use the side navigation bar to open your Playlists.
  2. Click on ‘New Playlist’ to create your own.
  3. Find a Picmonic you’d like to add to your Playlist using the search bar on the right and click the Add button.
  4. If you’d like to add an entire topic to a Playlist, just find the topic you’d like to add and click the More icon to choose which Playlist you’d like to add your selection to.  

creating a playlist adding a picmonic

adding a topic to your playlist

Share a Playlist

  1. Open your Playlist dashboard.
  2. Find the Playlist you would like to share.
  3. Click on the More icon and select Share from the options list.
  4. Click the Share icon to get a direct link.

sharing your playlist

If you don’t have your school entered in, head to your Menu, select “Add School”, and select your school to gain access to shared playlists on your My School page. Now when you painstakingly create the perfect playlist for one of your upcoming exams, you can share it with your classmates, who will immediately begin singing your praises from the rooftops.

When I share a Playlist with others, what happens?

Any user you share with will be able to choose to add your shared Playlist to their account and view it or alter as they see fit. Any alterations they make will only affect their own Playlist within their account and will not alter your original Playlist. When a Playlist is shared with someone who is not already a Picmonic user, they will receive more information about Picmonic and will be able to view the Picmonics included in the free trial before deciding if they would like to upgrade to a Premium account and view the entire shared playlist along with the rest of the library included with Premium access.

Happy studying and happy sharing! -The Picmonic Team

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