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Nurse Practitioner Jobs and Salaries: Who Makes the Most Money?

nurse practitioner jobs and salaries in 2019

There are a ton of interesting nurse practitioner jobs out there. No matter what specialty you choose, they all have a few things in common: they’re rigorous, exhausting, super fulfilling, and they all have a great nurse practitioner salary to reward you for your hard work.

Helping people as a nurse practitioner is a noble job, but sometimes those jobs can leave you totally worn out. Thankfully, it’s nice to know your efforts will be compensated! We’ve put together a list of the most popular NP jobs and their average salaries for you. See what you’re really in for once you make it past your nurse practitioner graduation.

General Nurse Practitioner Jobs and Salaries

A lot of freedom comes when you have the general nurse practitioner job title because you can work in all sorts of settings, like hospitals, or even your own private practice. To be a general nurse practitioner, a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree and the specified NP licensing for your state are required. Also, you have the option of going back to school to study specialty areas in order to up your earning potential.

It was reported in 2016 that the average salary for this position was $100,000. Not too shabby of a paycheck for helping people stay healthy if you ask us. With an expected growth of 34% until 2022, a general nurse practitioner is going to have a long, healthy career.

Gerontological Nurse Practitioner Jobs and Salaries

In order to work with older people in this specialty, RNs must become certified gerontological nurse practitioners (CGNP). Geriatric patients tend to have many health issues that require specialized care, so having patience, understanding, and a real love for the area of study is key to doing a great job in this specialty. Being a CGNP will help you bank roughly $95,000 a year. This particular path is expected to only get bigger, as CGNPs will be needed as the elderly population grows.

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Jobs and Salaries

If you’re interested in mental health, working as a psychiatric nurse practitioner will give you the opportunity to really dive into the field to help counsel patients with mental health disorders. It’s a lot of tough work and the requirements involve a master’s degree with a specialty in psychiatric nursing. With an average base pay of $90,000 a year, you are well compensated for your efforts. As mental health care awareness continues to grow across the United States and overseas, PNPs are needed more now than ever before.

nurse practitioner jobsFamily Nurse Practitioner Jobs and Salaries

Looking for a position that’s similar to that of a primary care physician? A family nurse practitioner job is most likely what you’re looking for! FNPs tend to have many of the same responsibilities as a primary care physician. Such as patient consultations, assessments, and prescribing medications and treatments. Additionally, they often work in the same kind of atmosphere, including medical offices, clinics, and hospitals. FNPs typically make less than a doctor, with an annual average income of $89,000 a year.

However, this career is always in demand. In many states, FNPs are even allowed to have their own practice. With this certification, you’d most likely never be without a job. To become an FNP, a master’s degree and board certification are required. It’s a long road, but Picmonic can assist you in passing your certifications, by reviewing over 1,400 key nursing topics and 16,000+ facts faster, and more effectively. 
(psst: Master pharmacology mnemonics for the family nurse practitioner
if you want to succeed in this role.)

Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Jobs and Salaries

Neonatal nurse practitioners provide care to infants, newborns, and even fetuses still inside the womb. Their primary job is to take care of babies who are sick or premature, which means specialized training as a neonatal NP can take several years to complete. The average salary falls between $70,000 and $90,000. By 2020, neonatal is set to grow by 13%, making this area of focus one of the more popular choices for future NPs.

There are loads of ways to make use of your NP certifications after you take the ANCC or AANP!

However, in order to actually make it to your NP graduation and pick up an awesome job with a cushy salary you have to really know your stuff! Let Picmonic help you ace your NP certification boards with mnemonic visual study aids that help you review and retain 331% more than regular (boring) study guides, textbooks, and NP flash cards. Plus, check out our NP School Resource Portal for helpful webinars, study aids, study tips & tricks, and more!

Looking for nurse practitioner study apps? With Picmonic, studying is easy, and so is passing your exams. Grab a free trial today to see for yourself how easy it is to study smarter, not harder!


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Marlee Liberman

Marlee Liberman, RN, Master Nursing Scholar

As a registered nurse, Marlee understands the struggles that nursing school throws at you – not to mention the overwhelming pressure preparing for the NCLEX®! Marlee brings a unique skill set and perspective to Picmonic with her previous degree in broadcast journalism, her creativity in video production, and her wandering nomad lifestyle. Her blend of talents provides her with the knack for simplifying complicated concepts and demystifying the world of nursing.

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