We get it, nursing school is expensive! So, to help you get ahead—and save a little cash, we put together a comprehensive list of MUST have study tools to help you succeed on the NCLEX®. While you might still purchase...
5 Ultimate Strategies for Dominating the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Exam
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and social media influencer, Jenean Sampson shares her go-to strategies for studying for the PNP Exam. She discussed her go-to tools, tips for understanding material, must-do study habits...
How is the NCLEX Exam scored?
The Next Gen NCLEX exam issued by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) determines if it is safe for a candidate to begin practicing as an entry-level nurse. In existence since 1982, the exam has...
5 Insider Tips for Mastering NCLEXⓇ Prep [WEBINAR]
After classes are finished and the graduation celebration is over, nursing students have one last exam standing between them and their first job—the NCLEXⓇ. Jerllyhia Dotson, BSN, RN shares five insider tips for...
Nurse Practitioner Specialties & Your Path to Advanced Practice Nursing
Being a nurse practitioner (NP) is an exciting job that takes a ton of dedication and hard work. The demand for nurse practitioners is high, and there are many different areas of specialization: family nurse...
Your 15 Most Pressing PA School FAQs Answered
Whether you are considering a career as a Physician Assistant (PA), or you were recently accepted into a PA program, you are bound to have a few questions. We are all about helping you find answers, so our PA experts...
Visual Learning Tips & Resources For Every Student
Humans are visual beings. It’s true! According to Social Science Research Network, 65 percent of us are visual learners. Whether you are learning new topics in college or a post-graduate program with Picmonic, teaching...
5 Mistakes You’re Making When Preparing for PANCE [WEBINAR]
From starting early to selecting the right study tools and resources, for PA students preparing for board exams like the PANCE and PANRE can seem overwhelming. Rebecca DePalma, PA-S2 and pre-PA mentor, shares her advice...
Top Nurse Practitioner Questions & Answers
Have you pictured yourself working in a healthcare career where you maintain your personal connection to patients and own the autonomy and expertise to independently treat them? Then becoming a Nurse Practitioner could...
MCAT Exam Prep: How I Got a 509 with 5 Weeks of Studying
If you’re in the midst of studying for MCAT exam prep, check out my story on how to conquer it! “And now let’s honor the graduating class of 2016!” The arena fell into a thunder of applause as family, friends, and...