Student-to-Student: Best Study Resources for USMLE Step 2 CK

How to Stay Awake for an All Nighter (When You’ve Got No Other Choice)

Sometimes, you’re going to have to stay up all night to study. It’s not a good idea, as we’ve discussed before, and it can be avoided with good study habits and planning ahead… But we’re realists. The med school schedule is tough, and at some point, most of us have pulled the dreaded all-nighter.

So how do you minimize the ill effects? Here’s our five-step plan to a successful med school studying all-nighter.

1. Examine Your Motivations

First and foremost- are you SURE you have to stay up all night? If there’s any way that you can avoid it, you should. Staying up all night will throw you off for several days after, and your body really does need sleep. But if you truly feel like you have no other choice, mentally prepare yourself for the night ahead!

2. Get Prepared

Before you start, assemble your supplies. You’ll need lots of water, snacks high in protein and low in sugar, and good music. Avoid dosing up on caffeine too early.

3. Set Your Pace

Figuring out your timeline for the night can help you stay on task. Set timers and reminders to drink water, eat snacks, get up and move around, and let your eyes have a break from the computer.

4. Move!

One of the best ways to keep yourself away and keep your brain plugging along is to get your blood flowing. Set a timer and do some jumping jacks or pushups every 40 minutes or so. Getting up and moving will help reinvigorate you.

5. Stay Positive

Don’t beat yourself up about the fact that you’ve gotten into a situation where you have to stay up all night. Focus on the task at hand, and get done as soon as you can. Maybe you’ll even finish early enough that you can still get some shut-eye!

The next day, take it easy and don’t push yourself too hard- your body is tired! Don’t operate heavy machinery, and get to sleep early. Good luck!

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