Studying can be brutal. Don’t let it suck all of your joy away. Here’s our Picmonic endorsed 10-step plan to getting HAPPY!
1. Get Outside
The birds, the trees, and the fresh air all combine to just plain make life better. If you go for a long enough walk to get your heart pumping, even better! Exercise has been proven time and time again to improve happiness levels. As everyone’s favorite Harvard Law student says, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands. They just don’t!”

2. Get Groovin’
Taking some time out of your day to jam out to whatever tunes make you happy can reduce stress and increase your overall happiness. Grab those headphones and your favorite album, stat!
3. Write it Down
It helps to get your thoughts out on paper, whether they’re good or bad. Writing down your happy thoughts can help you feel more of a sense of gratitude, and writing down your bad thoughts to get rid of them can help you feel less worried and stressed.
4. Talk to a Friend
Call up a friend for a quick catch-up session, and you’ll be amazed how much better you feel.
5. Have a Little “Me Time”
One of my favorite television characters of all time, Dale Cooper, has a saying: “Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don’t plan it. Don’t wait for it. Just let it happen. It could be a new shirt at the men’s store, a catnap in your office chair, or two cups of good, hot black coffee.” Listen to Agent Cooper. Get happy.

6. Buy Yourself Flowers
Once you get over the initial weirdness of buying yourself flowers, you’ll love it! They bring a freshness into your study space that can make you instantly feel happier when you look at them.
7. Make a Plan
Make yourself a to-do list. Get it out on paper, prioritize, and then tell yourself, out loud, that you’re going to kick its booty. YOU GOT THIS.
8. Treat Yo’self

This goes along with number 5- as Donna and Tom would say, treat yo’self! Whether it’s a much-needed mimosa, a massage, or a little online retail therapy, make it happen.
9. Breathe
Take a few minutes to breathe deeply and clear your mind. You’ll feel better immediately. We promise.
10. Get Some Sleep
Ok, we know. You don’t have time. But if possible, it really will make you feel better! Everything in life is easier to face after a good night of rest. If you can’t get rest, good coffee is a shortcut to getting happy.