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Top Nursing Student Resources & Channels

Regardless of if you are just starting your nursing journey becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or have been a Registered Nurse (RN) for years, having a place to turn for tips, tricks and inspiration is important. Picmonic for Nursing is going to be – or more likely already is – one of your favorite resources along your nursing path, helping you retain information and improve your test scores. But there are a lot of other comprehensive and supportive resources available to help you be the best nurse possible.

Below are our Top Nursing Resources. These blogs, YouTube channels and Instagram accounts are loaded with study tips, day in the life profiles, motivation, style tips, funny stories and refreshingly real nursing experiences. Enjoy!

Picmonic’s Top Nursing Resources and Channels

Ashley Adkins

Ashely earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) in 2015 and currently works as a medical-surgical ICU nurse. Ashely has been sharing her passion for nursing and motivating others since her career began. Her Ashley Adkins, RN YouTube channel has exactly what you need – especially if you are interested in following a similar path in ICU. She has a lot for students with videos about getting through school, paying for school and even deciding which degree is the best fit. Other videos include a series of nursing assessment videos like listening to bowel sounds, a series of EKG videos, and performing a basic head to toe nursing assessment.

On her blog you can also find resources like a free nursing report sheet, free resume templates and more. Lastly, don’t forget her Instagram account. In her job as a medical-surgical ICU nurse, Ashley has been working in COVID rooms during the COVID-19 pandemic and shares some of the experiences she and her colleagues are going through. She also shares some motivational tips, encourages fellow nurses to recharge and keeps it positive!

The Nerdy Nurse

Technology and nursing combine to make The Nerdy Nurse blog one of the best year after year for nursing students and professionals. Brittney Wilson, who started this blog, is an RN and BSN who has worked in medical-surgical nursing, clinical informatics system administration and implementation, and healthcare community management.

For nursing students or people considering this career field, we recommend checking out The Nerdy Nurse’s Become a Nurse section. You can dive into the different types of nursing, such as NP careers, ER or ICU nursing, cardiac nursing, and even other healthcare fields. There are also resources to help you consider what type of school and program is the best fit for you.

The technology focus of The Nerdy Nurse is obviously an important one. These topics can range from career blog posts – like considering a job in nursing informatics – or gadgets nurses love. There’s also a lot of content around lifestyle, products and so much more. Check out Brittney Wilson’s Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest pages too. They are full of content that spans both the fun and serious sides of nursing.

Mercy Gono, RN

Mercy Gono’s YouTube channel has hundreds of videos to entertain and educate you with nursing, hair, beauty, fashion, lifestyle, and more! Mercy is a registered nurse (RN, BSN) who created this channel to share some great tips and advice on the things she loves. Her more than 100 nursing videos are full of helpful information, tricks and support. She dives into passing the NCLEX RN/LPN, surviving your first year of nursing, what to do when a nursing job isn’t right, things she loves and doesn’t love about being an RN, getting into an RN program, juggling nursing and family and a lot more.

Mercy also shares her personal style by walking you through how she set up her home office, decorating small spaces, and buying her home – so get ready to be inspired! Her YouTube channel already has more than 400,000 subscribers who enjoy hearing what Mercy has to share!

On her Instagram account you can find more of her adorable family alongside photos and updates to her career, going back to school to become a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) and very stylish scrubs!

The Planner Nurse

Join Regina, an emergency department nurse, who created The Planner Nurse to share tips and tricks (and more) with nurses and those aspiring to become nurses! We love that Regina shares some unique topics for nursing students and RNs. Blog posts that caught our eye include The Importance of Mental Health in Nursing, gift ideas for nurses and nursing students (in case you want to “accidentally” share that with family and friends), and how to learn more in nursing school in less time.

For nursing students, The Planner Nurse includes blogs like the Beginners Guide to Becoming a Nurse and her Top 6 Apps for Nursing Students. Her tips are practical, helpful and something you can read through quickly!

Some other topics we appreciate from The Planner Nurse include the entire section dedicated to finances and her debt-free journey, and wellness particularly for nurses. Enjoy her blog and check out her Instagram account as well for some inspiration, motivation and life as a nurse.

Seizure, Coma, Death

Newer to the nursing world as a current BSN student, Meris started her blog, Seizure, Coma, Death after her Instagram account started to gain momentum with fellow nursing students wanting more. Now, we have to admit, the reason behind her blog name may have had an impact on her blog being a 2020 favorite, Seizure, Coma, and Death seem to be the side effects of every medication out there. They may also be the side effects of nursing school. As a favorite study support for BSN students everywhere, Picmonic hopes to reduce or eliminate those nursing school side effects with our time-saving, fun and proven mnemonic study system.

Meris dedicates a lot of her blog and Instagram accounts to talking about studying, different studying processes and what she has learned about nursing school and her future career. We also love the images of her study space; it’s orderly, personal and a great idea if you want to set up your own dedicated place for BSN studying at home.

Check out her latest posts: Pharmacology Survival Guide and How I Study for ATI Proctored (CMS) Exams to get started with this fun yet serious nursing resource.

We hope you found some information and inspiration from our top resources. Nursing is an ever-evolving field, with changes happening constantly. Being a nurse isn’t just a job for most people, it’s a passion and a calling. It takes a lot to get where you are today and where you are going in the future. With Picmonic for Nursing and these resources, you will have the tools and support to succeed. Try Picmonic for free today to get started.

Marlee Liberman

Marlee Liberman, RN, Master Nursing Scholar

As a registered nurse, Marlee understands the struggles that nursing school throws at you – not to mention the overwhelming pressure preparing for the NCLEX®! Marlee brings a unique skill set and perspective to Picmonic with her previous degree in broadcast journalism, her creativity in video production, and her wandering nomad lifestyle. Her blend of talents provides her with the knack for simplifying complicated concepts and demystifying the world of nursing.

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