NP School is Hard. Make Sure You’re Prepared.

Top Nursing Student Tips for Bringing Down Stress Levels

With this school year being different than most, we can imagine how uncertain and nervous you are to embark on this new journey. Nursing student stress is extremely prevalent, and you are not alone if you are experiencing uncomfortable feelings for this upcoming year. Lucky for you, here are some of our favorite stress relief tips and techniques

Nursing Student Tip 1: Exercise and Meditate Regularly

Exercising has been found to improve brain performance, help with memory retention, and overall can make you feel happier. When you are feeling overwhelmed, it’s okay to pause Picmonic, drop the textbooks, and get out! In addition to your favorite exercise activities, if you are a yoga fan, you will love our new Student Wellness: Yoga series brought to you by Nurse Marlee Liberman! 

Going along with yoga, is meditation! Mediation is an extremely helpful stress reliever as well. After checking out Marlee’s yoga video, take 5 minutes to yourself to meditate and re-focus your concentration. 

Nursing Student Tip 2: Organization

Another stress-relieving tip is to get organized and hone in on your awesome planning skills. Organizing offers a better sense of control and can help to reduce school stress levels as well as feeling overwhelmed. If you need a place to start, we recommend investing in a nice planner. It is extremely helpful to read your class syllabi and plan everything you can for the semester! 

Nursing students and stress often go hand-in-hand, but identifying your specific learning style and incorporating it into your studies can be a monumental stress-relieving technique. Knowing your learning style increases your confidence and concentration, as well as your motivation to learn.

As an audio-visual learning platform for healthcare students and professionals, Picmonic offers audio-visual learners a chance to learn and review, smarter and faster! If you don’t know your learning style yet, there are many resources available online which can help point you in the right direction.

Nursing Student Tip 3: Study Groups

Meeting other students who are in the same area of study can also greatly improve your nursing school experience, and make for a less stressful environment! Forming study groups with other nursing students reaps a plethora of benefits. Study groups can eliminate procrastination, help you learn quicker, and will fill in the coursework gaps through collaborating with your classmates.

Everyone needs to vent at times too. Having a supportive group where you can express your concerns and stress is relieving too! Whether you are working on a homework assignment or preparing for a huge exam, take advantage of the power of study groups.

Tip 4: Sleep

A good night’s rest is crucial for your mind and body. When you are well-rested, you are more likely to concentrate easier and your mood may be more positive overall. It is extremely important, especially in nursing school, to develop a regular sleep routine. Doctors recommend getting at least 7 hours of sleep, which is not always possible for the busy nursing student. However, not getting enough sleep can lead to an increased risk of illness, stress, decreased academic performance, etc., so it is important to try to develop a sleeping routine that works best for you. 

Tip 5: Music

Music is also another powerful stress-relieving tool that you should definitely take advantage of. Music has been found to have calming effects on your mind. For example, if you are preparing for a big exam, try playing some quiet classical music. This can help slow your heart rate and reduce emotional distress. You can listen to music when you are getting ready for class or walking to your next lecture. Whenever you have the time to squeeze music into your routine, definitely take advantage of the benefits that a peaceful melody has to offer.   

Tip 6: Socialize

With the world being uncertain for everyone right now, it is important to still remain in contact with your best friends and loved ones. There are many options for safe and socially distanced socializing activities to still uphold relationships! Some ideas include: Zoom parties, a socially distanced walk or hike (don’t forget your mask), virtual games, or even a cooking competition! As the world starts to re-open, it is extremely important to stay safe and do what you can to help protect others and yourself. If you need more social distancing and mental health tips, check out this blog

Tip 7: Journal

If you ever need to vent, journaling is a great option to cope with any stressful situation that life throws at you. Studies show journaling has therapeutic benefits on the mind and body. When journaling, it is extremely beneficial to write down your thoughts and feelings as a way to vent and express anything going on in your life. Take as much time as your schedule allows, and you’ll be amazed at how taking a few minutes to journal really benefits your mental health. 

Tip 8: Talk to Someone

If you’re feeling more down or stressed than usual, it’s also important to find someone who you can confide in! Whether that’s a friend, family member, mental health professional, or even the Picmonic team, just know there is always someone here for you! Don’t ever hesitate to ever reach out or ask for resources. You might be surprised at how much others want to help you succeed.

This school year might be unlike any other, with new hurdles and the inevitable stress from pursuing your healthcare degree. We hope you’re able to incorporate some of these helpful stress relief tips and prioritize your mental health as well as your grades. Cheers to staying sane this semester!

As a student yourself, we want your advice! What are your tips for reducing stress during the school year


Journaling reference:

Sleep reference:

Exercising reference:

Learning Style reference:

Music reference: 

As Picmonic’s lead Student Success Ninja, Shea works to improve Picmonic for students across the globe.
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