The biggest exam of your life is just around the corner, and you’re doing your best to prepare. Highlighters in every color, Red Bull for days, and stacks-on-stacks of USMLE Step 1 flashcards. Aren’t you sick of flipping over those 3×5 note cards?
Rote Memorization…As Boring as it Sounds
Whether your creating your own USMLE Step 1 flashcards or flipping them electronically with a studying application, chances are the repetition and rote memorization is as ineffective as reading with your eyes closed. That’s where Picmonic steps in. Picmonic provides medical students with an interactive online learning solution that combats the ineffectiveness of traditional study methods. It offers students an option that is lightyears ahead of other USMLE Step 1 flashcards — there’s nothing two-sided about Picmonic.
Get Interactive
Each Picmonic card displays an interactive mnemonic image, used to facilitate memory retention and quick recall. Students have referred to the effectiveness as “crazy stupid” and “ridiculous” because the cards really work. The list of critical, high-yield information for each card contains individual definitions, in addition to a comprehensive topic overview. But wait–there’s more! You can put down the highlighters and pens, because Picmonic lets you take notes on each topic to come back and review later, and even discuss the topics and images with other Picmonic users and USMLE test takers.
Have you been paying attention so far? Let’s see.
Picmonic offers:
A. Two audio tracks for each mnemonic image
B. Definitions and overview summaries
C. Note taking and discussion boards
D. All of the above
It’s not a trick question. While your friends are stowed away in the library flipping through their dull USMLE Step 1 flashcards, you’ll be wowing your class with everything you can recall on the spot. It’s more than memorization, more than mnemonics, more than flash cards.
Picmonics are a truly interactive experience that allow you to gain a deeper understanding of high-yield exam topics and master them forever.