Thyroid Function Screening Tests
- If TSH High
- Free T4 (FT4)
- If TSH Low
- Free T4 (FT4) and T3 (Triiodothyronine)
- Consider Serum Total T4 (Thyroxine)
- Only Total T4 Increases in Pregnancy
- T4 is Converted to T3
- Avoid for Inpatient Screening
Wells' Criteria for Pulmonary Embolism
- Clinical Symptoms of DVT (+3)
- Pulmonary Embolism Most Likely Diagnosis (+3)
- Tachycardia (+1.5)
- Immobilization > 3 Days (+1.5)
- Previous DVT or PE (+1.5)
- Hemoptysis (+1)
- Malignancy (+1)
- > 6 = High
- 2-6 = Moderate
- < 2 = Low
Light's Criteria
- Determines Transudative vs. Exudative Source of Pleural Effusion
- Effusion/Serum Protein Ratio > 0.5
- Effusion/Serum LDH Ratio > 0.6
- Effusion LDH > Two-thirds Upper Serum LDH Range
Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) Criteria
- Temperature < 36C or > 38C
- Pulse > 90 beats per minute
- Respirations > 20/min or PCO2 < 32
- WBC < 4,000 or > 12,000 or 10% bands
- Subset of Cytokine Storm and Related to Sepsis
Duke Criteria for Infective Endocarditis
- Blood Culture Positive
- Endocardial Involvement
- Fever
- Immunologic Phenomena
- Vascular Phenomena
- Predisposition
- Microbiological Evidence
- Two Major Criteria, or
- One Major and Three Minor Criteria, or
- Five Minor Criteria
Lab and Diagnostic Tests During Pregnancy
- Complete Blood Cell Count
- Blood Typing
- Rubella Titer
- Hepatitis B
- HIV Testing
- Urinalysis
- Diabetes
- Pap Smears
Lab and Diagnostic Tests During Pregnancy (Other Visits)
- 10-13 Weeks
- Offer Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)
- 15-18 Weeks
- Quad Screen
- 18-20 Weeks
- Ultrasound
- Anatomic Screening
- 24-28 Weeks
- One-Hour Glucose Challenge Test
- 35-37 Weeks
- Streptococcus Agalactiae
Quad Screen Results Interpretation
- Estriol
- hCG
- Inhibin A
- Increased hCG + Inhibin A (HIgh)
- Down Syndrome
- Decreased hCG + Estriol + AFP (Low HEAp)
- Edward Syndrome
- Increased AFP
- Neural Tube Defects
- Abdominal Wall Defects
TORCHeS Screening
- Toxoplasmosis
- Other
- Rubella
- Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
- Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
- Syphilis
- Diagnostic Testing
Cervical Cancer Screening
- Women Aged 21-65 Years
- Pap Smear Every 3 Years
- Women Aged 30-65 Years
- Can Opt for Co-testing (Pap Smear + HPV Testing) Every 5 Years
- Identify Lesions
- Cryotherapy
- Loop Excision
- Cold Knife Conization
Breast Cancer Diagnosis
- Breast Self Exam
- Mammography
- Ultrasound
- MRI for High Risk Patients
- Confirmed with Biopsy
- Lymph Node Involvement
- Receptor Positivity
- Estrogen and Progesterone Receptors
- HER-2
Blood Pressure Classification (JNC 7)
- Normal
- Systolic (<120)
- Diastolic (< 80)
- Prehypertension
- Systolic +20 (120-139)
- Diastolic +10 (80-89)
- Stage 1 Hypertension
- Systolic +20 (140-159)
- Diastolic +10 (90-99)
- Stage 2 Hypertension
- Systolic + > 20 (160)
- Diastolic + > 10 (100)
- Hypertensive Crisis
- Systolic > 180
- Diastolic > 110
Blood Pressure Classification (ACC/AHA 2017)
- Normal
- Systolic Less than 120
- Diastolic Less than 80
- Elevated
- Systolic +10 (120-129)
- Diastolic Less than 80
- Stage 1 Hypertension
- Systolic +10 (130-139)
- Diastolic +10 (80-89)
- Stage 2 Hypertension
- Systolic +40 (140-179)
- Diastolic +30 (90-119)
- Hypertensive Crisis
- Systolic greater than or equal to 180
- Diastolic greater than or equal to 120
Cancer Warning Signs (CAUTION)
- Change in Bowel or Bladder Habits
- A Sore That Does Not Heal
- Unusual Bleeding or Discharge
- Thickening or Lump in the Breast or Elsewhere
- Dyspepsia (Indigestion)
- Obvious Change to Warts or Moles
- Nagging Cough
Ranson's Criteria on Admission
- Mortality Predictor for Acute Pancreatitis
- GA LAW (Each is +1)
- Glucose > 200 mg/dL
- Age > 55 Years
- LDH > 350 U/L
- AST > 250 U/L
- WBC Count > 16,000/mm3
Ransons Criteria During First 48 Hours
- Mortality Predictor for Acute Pancreatitis
- C HOBBS (Each is +1)
- Calcium < 8.0 mg/dL
- Hematocrit Decreased by > 10%
- Oxygen (PO2) < 60 mmHg
- BUN Increased by Greater or Equal to 5 mg/dL
- Base Deficit > 4 mEq/L
- Sequestered Fluid > 6 L
Types of Fractures
- Nondisplaced
- Displaced
- Incomplete
- Complete
- Closed
- Open
- Direction of Fracture Line