Muscle Energy
- Active
- Direct
- Reciprocal Inhibition
- Respiratory Assistance
- Post-Isometric Relaxation
- Isotonic
- Isolytic
- Critically Ill
- Fractures
- Acute Injury
Counterstrain Overview
- Indirect
- Passive
- Inappropriate Proprioception
- Tender Point
- Pain Scale
- Maximum Comfort
- 90 Seconds
- Therapeutic Pulse
- Slowly Return to Neutral
- Reassess
High-Velocity, Low-Amplitude Thrust (HVLA)
- Direct
- Passive
- Thrust
- Pop
- Low Bone Mineral Density
- Joint Instability
- Fractures
- Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency
- Acute Herniated Disc
Myofascial Release and Soft Tissue
- Fascial Creep
- Direct or Indirect
- Active or Passive
- Direct
- Rhythmic
- Acute Sprain or Strain
- Fracture
- Neurologic or Vascular Compromise
- Malignancy
- Soft Tissue Infection
Zink's Common Compensatory Pattern
- Occipito-Atlantal
- Cervico-Thoracic
- Thoraco-Lumbar
- Lumbo-Sacral
- Common Compensated
- Uncommon Compensated
- Uncompensated
Myofascial Trigger Points
- Active
- Latent
- Satellite
- Taut Band
- Spot Tenderness
- Referred Pain
- Manipulation
- Spray and Stretch
- Dry Needling
- Injection
Seven Stages of Spencer
- Shoulder Girdle
- Articulatory Technique
- Muscle Energy Activation
- Every Fancy Cat Takes An Indoor Dump
- Extension
- Flexion
- Circumduction with Compression
- Circumduction with Traction
- Abduction then Adduction with External Rotation
- Internal Rotation
- Distraction
Counterstrain: Anterior Lumbar Tender Points
- L1: Medial to ASIS (Anterior Superior Iliac Spine)
- L2: Medial to AIIS (Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine)
- L3: Lateral to AIIS (Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine)
- L4: Inferior to AIIS (Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine)
- L5: One Centimeter Lateral to Pubic Symphysis
Lymphatics: Osteopathic Overview
- Left Head and Neck
- Left Thorax and Upper Extremity
- Abdomen and Lower Extremities
- Right Head and Neck
- Right Thorax and Upper Extremity
- Thoracic Inlet
- Thoracic Diaphragm
- Pelvic Diaphragm
- Tissue Changes
- Chapman's Points
- Tense Pelvic Diaphragm
- Restricted Thoracic Cage Movement
Counterstrain: Anterior Rib Tender Points
- Depressed Ribs / Exhalation Dysfunction
- Rib 1: First Costochondral Junction Inferior to the Clavicle
- Rib 2: Midclavicular Line of Rib 2
- Rib 3 - 10: Anterior Axillary Line of the Corresponding Rib
- Sidebend, and Rotate Towards (STRT)
Counterstrain: Posterior Rib Tender Points
- Elevated Ribs / Inhalation Dysfunction
- Rib 1: One Centimeter Lateral to the Costotransverse Articulation
- Rib 2 - 10: The Angle of the Corresponding Rib
- Rib 1: ESART
- Rib 2-10: SARA
Ribs: Exhalation Dysfunction Treatment
- "At 1 AM I got up 2 pee because from 3-5 PM I had 6-8 sodas. From 9-10 I laid down and from 11-12 I was quiet."
- Rib 1: Anterior and Middle Scalenes
- Rib 2: Posterior Scalene
- Ribs 3 - 5: Pectoralis Minor
- Rib 6-8: Serratus Anterior
- Rib 9-10: Latissimus Dorsi
- Rib 11 - 12: Quadratus Lumborum
- Acute Muscle Spasm
- Fracture
Counterstrain: Anterior Cervical Tender Points
- AC1: Posterior Ramus of the Mandible
- AC2 - AC6: Anterior Surfaces of the Transverse Process
- AC7: Clavicle Attachment of the Sternocleidomastoid
- AC8: Sternal Attachment of the Sternocleidomastoid
Counterstrain: Posterior Cervical Tender Points
- PC1: Inferior Nuchal Line Lateral to the Inion
- PC1 Lateral: Between the Inion and Mastoid Process
- PC2 - PC6: Laterally to the Spinous Process of the Vertebra Above
Counterstrain: Cervical Tender Points Treatments
- Flexion (Anterior)
- Extension (Posterior)
- Sidebend Away, Rotate Away (SARA)
- AC7: Flex, Sidebend Toward, Rotate Away (STRA)
- PC1: Flexion
Autonomics and Facilitation: Treatments
- Rib Raising
- Paraspinal Inhibition
- Celiac Ganglion, Superior Mesenteric, and Inferior Mesenteric Release
- Chapman’s Points
- Cervical Paraspinal Sympathetic Ganglia
- Cranial Manipulation
- Sphenopalatine Ganglion Release
- Occipital Decompression
- Vagal Nerve Stimulation
- Treat Sacral Somatic Dysfunctions
Fascial Distortion Model
- Anatomical Approach to Somatic Complaints
- Tired Children Hate Folding Clothes Tonight
- Trigger Bands
- Cylindrical Distortions
- Herniated Trigger Points
- Folding Distortions
- Continuum Distortions
- Tectonic Fixations
Balanced Ligamentous Tension
- Locating a Restriction or Asymmetry
- Finding the Balance Point
- Holding the Balance Point
- Shifting to Neutral
- Reassess
- Asymmetry
- Acute Injury
Visceral Manipulation
- Treatment of the Thoracic Inlet
- Doming the Diaphragms
- Myofascial Release
- Chapman’s Points
- Rib Raising
- Ganglion Release
- Sacral Rocking
- Pedal and Splenic Pump
- Direct or Indirect
- Infection
- Recent Trauma
- Malignancy
Lymphatics: Treatments
- Thoracic Inlet Release
- Doming the Diaphragm
- Pelvic Diaphragm Release
- Auricular Drainage Technique
- Effleurage
- Anterior Cervical Mobilization
- Galbreath Technique
- Cranial Field Osteopathy
- Muscle Energy: Thoracic Inlet
- Thoracic Pump
- Splenic Pump
- Liver Pump
- Pedal Pump
- Rib Raising
Facilitated Positional Release and Still Technique
- Indirect
- Activating Force
- Neutral Spine Position
- Apply a Facilitating Force
- Shorten the Muscle
- Hold
- Reevaluate
- Superficial Muscle Treatment
- Deep Intervertebral Muscle Treatment
- Direct
- Indirect
- Position of Ease
- Vector Force
- Into the Barrier