Medicine (MD/DO)
Developmental Stages
Age 2 Years - Developmental Milestones

Master Age 2 Years - Developmental Milestones with Picmonic for Medicine

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Age 2 Years - Developmental Milestones

Age 2 Years - Developmental Milestones

(2) Tutu and Year-sun
At two years, children advance in independence, motor skills, language, and social awareness. They engage more fully with their environment, whether through kicking, running, feeding themselves, or using two-word phrases. Socially, they develop empathy and interact with others, laying the foundation for future learning and social skills.
Kicks a Ball
Kicking a Ball

Kicking a ball is a great indicator of gross motor development; it appears around 15 months, but at this age, babies can perform this skill with the help of adults. At the age of 2, they can kick the ball independently.


Running is a milestone that appears between 18 and 24 months, but this motor performance gets easier at the age of three.

Walks Up Stairs With Help
Walking Up Stairs with Help

Around the age of 17-20 months, babies can walk up stairs with help. By two, children can walk up a few stairs with support, showing growing leg strength and balance.

Stacks Six Blocks
(6) Sax and Blocks

By age two, children are usually able to stack a tower of six blocks, showcasing improved fine motor skills and spatial awareness.

Feeds Self With a Spoon
Feeding Self with Spoon

At this stage, children can hold and use a spoon independently, which promotes fine motor coordination and self-reliance.

Two-Word Phrases
(2) Tutu Speech-bubble

Toddlers between the ages of 18 and 24 months should be able to say two-word sentences and have about 200 words in their vocabulary.

Points to Book Items as Prompted
Points to Book

At the age of 2 years, babies can point to book items as prompted.

Demonstrates Varied Gestures
Varied Gestures

The development of gestures appears at around 9 - 16 months, and by 2 years, children can demonstrate varied gestures, such as shaking their heads and blowing kisses.

Identifies Body Parts When Prompted
Points to Body Parts

Around the age of 18-20 months, babies can identify their body parts when prompted.

Shows Empathy

Between the ages of 24 and 36 months, babies start to show empathy. This development means the child notices when others are hurt or upset, like pausing or looking sad when someone is crying.

Holds and Manipulates Objects Simultaneously
Holds and Uses Object

By two years of age, babies can hold and manipulate objects simultaneously. This milestone means that a child can hold something in one hand while using the other hand, for example, holding a container and taking the lid off.

Engages With Multiple Toys
Playing with Multiple Toys

Two-year-olds often play with multiple toys simultaneously, like placing toy food on a toy plate, demonstrating imaginative and cognitive growth.


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