Medicine (MD/DO)
Developmental Stages
Age 4 Months - Developmental Milestones

Master 4 Month Old Developmental Milestones with Picmonic

Picmonic makes mastering 4-month-old developmental milestones engaging and effective. Our captivating characters, audio stories, and built-in quizzes help you remember key milestones - from rolling over to recognizing familiar faces.

Age 4 Months - Developmental Milestones

Age 4 Months - Developmental Milestones

(4) Leaf-clover and Month-moon
By four months of age, babies’ eyesight and head control continue to improve. At this age, babies are usually able to track objects past midline and also begin to reach for objects with their hands. At this age, babies are also often able to hold a rattle. Babies are also able to raise their body on their hands when on their stomach, and this motion also helps them to roll from stomach to back. However, babies typically cannot roll from back to stomach until six months. At this age, babies’ use of voice continues to evolve and babies typically begin to babble, which is pretty much adding consonant sounds to cooing.
Keeps Head Steady Without Support
Head Steady without Support

By four months, babies can hold their heads steady without support when being held, showing improved neck and upper body strength.

Pushes Up on Elbows While on Tummy
Up on Elbows While on Tummy

When on their tummy, babies can push up on their elbows, demonstrating core strength and preparation for future crawling. This skill prepares babies for further milestones, such as crawling.

Holds a Toy in Hands
Toy in Hand

Babies can grasp toys at this age, reflecting growing hand control and interest in exploring their surroundings.

Moves Hands Towards Mouth
Hand to Mouth

Four-month-olds often bring their hands to their mouth, which promotes self-soothing and hand-eye coordination.


Babies begin cooing around four months, producing soft, vowel-like sounds that mark early vocal exploration and engagement with caregivers.

Turns to Voice
Turn to Voice

At this age, babies turn their heads toward voices, indicating sound recognition and social interest. It helps them learn how to communicate and develop language skills.


At four months, infants reach a milestone where they smile to capture the attention of their caregivers. They may also chuckle (not yet a full laugh) when parents try to amuse them.

Enjoys Looking Around
Happy-face Glasses

At four months old, infants enjoy looking around as their vision improves, allowing them to distinguish between shades and follow moving objects. They also initiate behaviors such as looking at you, moving, or vocalizing to attract or maintain your attention.

Looks at Hands With Interest
Looks at Hands

Babies often stare at their hands at this age, exploring body awareness and motor skills.

Opens Mouth When Hungry
Open Mouth Hungry

At four months, babies open their mouths when they see the breast or bottle, showing early recognition of feeding cues and an early form of nonverbal communication.


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