Medicine (MD/DO)
Developmental Stages
Age 9 Months - Developmental Milestones

Master Age 9 Months - Developmental Milestones with Picmonic for Medicine

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Age 9 Months - Developmental Milestones

Age 9 Months - Developmental Milestones

(9) Lives-cat and Month-moon
At nine months, babies reach key developmental milestones, gaining motor skills like sitting up alone, transferring objects between hands, and self-feeding by pulling food toward themselves. They communicate by raising their arms to be picked up and babbling sounds such as “mamamama” or “babababa.” Socially, they begin showing separation anxiety, smile at peek-a-boo, and respond to their names. Cognitive skills emerge as they look for dropped items, bang objects together, and recognize familiar people with facial expressions, all of which contribute to their growing awareness and engagement with their surroundings.
Sits Up Independently
Sitting Up Independence-day

By nine months, babies typically can sit without support, demonstrating core strength and balance.

Transfers Objects Between Hands
Transferring Object Between Hands

Babies at this age are able to transfer objects between hands, showing fine motor skill development and hand-eye coordination.

Uses Fingers to Pull Food Toward Self
Finger Food Toward Self

At nine months, babies use a raking motion with their fingers to pull food toward themselves, indicating the start of independent feeding skills.

Produces Various Sounds Like "mamamama" and "bababababa"
"Mamamama Babababa" Speech-bubble

Around nine months, babies start to babble repetitive sounds like “mamamama” and “bababababa,” which are early steps in language development.

Raises Arms to be Lifted Up
Raised Arms for Uppies

Babies at this age will lift their arms to signal they want to be picked up, showing a connection between gestures and communication.

Separation Anxiety
Separation Anxiety-bag

A 9-month-old infant begins to show signs of separation anxiety. They become more shy, clingy, or fearful around strangers and react by reaching for their parent and crying when the parent leaves.

Shows Facial Expressions
Show Facial Expressions

Babies can display varied facial expressions, such as happiness, sadness, and surprise, reflecting their emotional awareness.

Looks When Calling Name
Looks When Name Called

At this age, babies typically respond by looking when their name is called, indicating growing social awareness.

Smiles or Laughs at Peek-a-boo
Happy-face Peek-a-boo

Babies enjoy games like peek-a-boo, often smiling or laughing, which demonstrates social interaction and cognitive development.

Looks for Dropped Objects Out of Sight
Looks for Dropped Object

Around nine months, babies begin looking for objects that have fallen out of view, showing an understanding of object permanence.

Bangs Two Items Together
Banging Items Together

Babies at this age enjoy banging objects together, which supports their motor development and exploration of cause and effect.


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