Fundamentals of Nursing, 9th Ed., Potter, Perry, Stockert & Hall, 2017 | Practical Nurse (LPN) School Study Aid
Patient Position Overview
- Trochanter Roll
- Trapeze Bar
- Ankle-Foot Orthotic (AFO) Devices
- Fowlers Position
- Supine Position
- Trendelenburg
- Side-Lying Position
- Prone Position
- Sims' Position
- Reposition q2 Hours/Prevent Skin Breakdown
- Confirm Body Alignment
Testicular Carcinoma Assessment
- Seminoma Germ Cells
- Non-Seminoma Germ Cells
- Painless Scrotal Mass
- Testicular Swelling
- Acute Pain Rare
- Elevated Serum Tumor Markers
- Males Between 15-35 Years Old
- Cryptorchidism
- Testicular Self Exam
Breast Cancer Diagnosis
- Mammography
- Ultrasound
- MRI for High Risk Patients
- Confirmed with Biopsy
- Lymph Node Involvement
- Receptor Positivity
- Estrogen and Progesterone Receptors
- HER-2
Cervical Cancer Assessment
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
- Metrorrhagia
- Leukorrhea
- Pain
- Abnormal Pap Test
- May Be Asymptomatic
- HPV Vaccine
Colorectal Cancer Assessment
- 3rd Most Common Cancer
- Change in Bowel Habits
- Bowel Obstruction
- Rectal Bleeding
- Anemia
- Weight Loss
- Ascites
- Colonoscopy
- FOBT and FIT
Prostate Cancer Assessment
- Most Common Cancer in Men
- Mimics BPH
- Metastasis to Back
- Low Back Pain
- Fatigue
- Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)
- Digital Rectal Examination (DRE)
- Transrectal Ultrasound (TRUS)
- Biopsy
Skin Anatomy
- Epidermis
- Keratinocytes
- Melanocytes
- Dendritic Cells
- Merkel Cells
- Dermis
- Sweat Glands
- Hair Follicles
- Sebaceous Glands
- Hypodermis
Skin Functions
- Thermoregulation
- Protection
- Innate Immune Protection
- Synthesize Vitamin D
- Water and Salt Excretion
- Dilated Capillaries are a Blood Reservoir
Types of Burns
- Superficial Thickness
- Sunburn
- Superficial Partial Thickness
- Blisters
- Blanching
- Deep Partial Thickness
- Little or Non-blanching
- Full Thickness
- Waxy White, Yellow or Black
- Decreased Pain
Interventions for Impaired Skin Integrity
- Signs of Skin Breakdown
- Pain
- Redness
- Decreased Skin Turgor
- Bleeding
- Bony Prominences
- Reposition Q2H
- Pressure Relief
- Maintain Clean and Dry Skin
- Adequate Nutrition and Hydration
Pressure Ulcers
- Prolonged Immobilization
- Neurologic Disease
- Decreased Level of Consciousness
- Stage 1: Intact Skin with Non-blanchable Erythema
- Stage 2: Partial Thickness Skin Loss
- Stage 3: Full-thickness Skin Loss without Fascial Involvement
- Stage 4: Full-thickness Skin Loss with Fascial Involvement
- Wound Care
- Surgery
- Septicemia
- Osteomyelitis
- Prevention
ABCDEs of Melanoma
- Asymmetry
- Border
- Color
- Diameter
- Evolving
- Sclera
- Cornea
- Iris
- Lens
- Ciliary Muscles
- Optic Nerve
- Rods
- Cones
- Retina
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
- Dry (nonexudative)
- Wet (exudative)
- Scotomas
- Blurred, Darkened Vision
- Loss of Central Vision
- Distortion of Vision
- Drug Therapy
- Surgery
- Low-vision Assistive Devices
Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma (POAG - Chronic)
- Flow of Aqueous Humor Slowed
- Slow Onset
- No Pain
- Tunnel Vision
- IOP 22-32mm Hg
- Drug Therapy
Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma (PACG - Acute)
- Rapid Increase in IOP
- Rapid Onset
- Pain
- Blurred Vision
- Halos Around Lights
- Nausea and Vomiting
- IOP over 30 mm Hg
- Drug Therapy
- Surgery
- Age-related
- No Pain
- Cloudy Opaque Lens
- Decreased Visual Acuity
- Occurs Gradually
- Surgery
Aminoglycoside Side Effects
- Ototoxicity
- Nephrotoxicity
- Respiratory Paralysis
- Pregnancy
- Peak and Trough
- Never Mix with Penicillin in Same IV
Oral Cavity
- Mouth
- Mechanical Digestion
- Salivary Amylase Begins Carbohydrate Breakdown
- Lingual Lipase Begins Lipid Breakdown
- Esophagus
- Bolus
- Peristalsis
Muscles of Mastication
- Temporalis
- Masseter
- Medial Pterygoid
- Lateral Pterygoid
- Mandibular Branch (V3) of Trigeminal Nerve
- 1st Branchial Arch
Neck and Shoulder Muscles
- Splenius Capitis
- Trapezius
- Rhomboid Minor
- Rhomboid Major
- Deltoid
- Latissimus Dorsi
- Levator Scapulae
- Supraspinatus
- Infraspinatus
- Teres Minor
- Teres Major
- Recycles 10% of Interstitial Fluid
- Transport Large Lipids from Lacteals
- Unidirectional Valves
- Lymph Nodes Filter Lymph
- WBCs Monitor Lymph for Pathogens
- Merge with Veins
Respiratory Anatomy
- Nasal Cavity
- Hair Filters
- Mucus Filters and Moistens
- Capillaries Warm
- Pharynx (Throat)
- Larynx (Voice Box)
- Cilia Expel Mucus and Dust
- Trachea
- Bronchi
- Alveoli
Thyroid Gland
- TSH Stimulates T3 and T4 Release
- Metabolism Regulation
- Blood Calcium Sensor
- Calcitonin Release
- Blood Calcium Decreases
- Bone Building
Lung Sounds - Wheezes
- Throughout Lung
- High Pitched
- Musical
- Air Moving through Narrowed Airways
Lung Sounds - Pleural Friction Rub
- Anterior Lateral Lung
- Dry, Rubbing, or Squeaking
- Rubbing a Balloon with Finger
- Inflamed Pleura
Lung Sounds - Crackles
- Lower Lobes
- Fine/Coarse
- Fine: Twisting Hair through Fingers
- Coarse: Velcro
- Collapsed Small Airways and Alveoli "Popping Open"
Lung Sounds - Rhonchi
- Trachea and Bronchi
- Low Pitched Rumbling
- Gurgling
- Narrowed Airway
- Secretions or Bronchospasm
Bile Acid Resins
- Hyperlipidemia
- Bile Acid Reabsorption Prevented
- Decrease LDL
- Colestipol (Colestid)
- Cholestyramine (Questran)
- Colesevelam (Welchol)
- GI Distress
- Cholesterol Gallstones
- Decreased Absorption of Fat-soluble Vitamins
Leg Arteries
- Descending Aorta
- Iliac (Ilium)
- Common Femoral
- Deep Femoral
- Superficial Femoral
- Popliteal
- Anterior Tibial
- Posterior Tibial
- Peroneal
- Dorsalis Pedis
Leg Veins
- Inferior Vena Cava
- Common Iliac (Ilium)
- External Iliac (Ilium)
- Great Saphenous
- Femoral
- Popliteal
- Small Saphenous
- Anterior Tibial
- Posterior Tibial
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) Assessment
- Men Over 50
- Enlarged Prostate Gland
- Urinary Retention
- Weak Urine Stream
- Frequency
- Urgency
- Nocturia
Osteoporosis Assessment
- Postmenopausal Women
- Long Term Corticosteroids
- Kyphosis
- Dowager's Hump
- Loss of Height
- Back Pain
- Pathologic Fractures
- Spinal Compression Fracture
Osteoporosis Interventions
- Increased Calcium Intake
- Vitamin D Supplements
- Bisphosphonates
- Raloxifene
- Denosumab
- Calcitonin
- Teriparatide
- Bone Densitometry (DEXA) Scan
- Weight Bearing Exercises
Neurovascular Assessment 6 P's
- Pain
- Paresthesia
- Pulse
- Pallor
- Pressure
- Paralysis
Level of Consciousness: Descriptive guide for Glasgow Coma Scale
- Conscious
- Confused
- Delirious
- Somnolent
- Obtunded
- Stuporous
- Comatose
Cranial Nerve Function
- CN I
- CN V
- CN X
- Olfactory Nerve
- Sensory
- Smell
- Oculomotor Nerve
- Motor
- Eye Movement
- Accommodation
- Eyelid Opening
- Pupillary Constriction
- Trochlear Nerve
- Motor
- Abducts, Depresses, Internally Rotates
- Trigeminal Nerve
- Sensory
- Facial Sensation
- Motor Function (Via Mandibular Nerve)
- Mastication Muscles
- Abducens Nerve
- Motor
- Abducts Eye
- Facial Nerve
- Lacrimation
- Salivation
- Sensory
- Taste from Anterior 2/3 of Tongue
- Motor
- Facial Movement
- Stapedius Muscle
- Eyelid Closing
- Vestibulocochlear Nerve
- Sensory
- Hearing
- Balance
- Glossopharyngeal Nerve
- Sensory
- Taste from Posterior 1/3 of Tongue
- Monitoring Carotid Body and Sinus
- Motor
- Stylopharyngeus
- Swallowing
- Salivation
- Vagus Nerve
- Sensory
- Aortic Arch Chemoreceptors and Baroreceptors
- Taste from Epiglottic Region
- Motor
- Swallowing
- Palate Elevation
- Talking
- Coughing
- Midline Uvula
- Accessory Nerve
- Motor
- Head Turning
- Shoulder Shrugging
- Hypoglossal Nerve
- Motor
- Tongue Movement
Dermatomes - Cervical
- C2 - Posterior Cap Distribution
- C3 - High Turtleneck
- C4 - Low Collar Shirt
- C5 - Anterolateral Shoulder
- C6 - Thumb
- C7 - Middle Finger
- C8 - Pinky Finger
Dermatomes - Thoracic
- T1 - Medial Arm
- T4 - Nipple
- T7 - Xiphoid
- T10 - Belly Button
- T12 - Pubis
Dermatomes - Lumbosacral
- L2 - Medial Thigh
- L3 - Medial Knee
- L4 - Kneecap, Medial Ankle, and Big Toe
- L5 - Dorsum of Foot
- S1 - Lateral Foot, Posteriolateral Thigh
- S 2, 3, 4, 5 - Perianal and Genitals