Ace Your Classes and Exams with Picmonic: #1 Visual Mnemonic Study Tool for Practical Nurse (LPN) Students
With Picmonic, facts become pictures. We've taken what the science shows - image mnemonics work - but we've boosted the effectiveness by building and associating memorable characters, interesting audio stories, and built-in quizzing. Whether you're studying for your classes or getting ready for a big exam, we're here to help.
Unit 2: Pharmacology and the Nurse-Patient Relationship
18 Picmonics 23 mins
Chapter 6: The Nursing Process in Pharmacology
1 Picmonics 2 mins
Chapter 9: Individual Variations in Drug Response
5 Picmonics 8 mins
Chapter 11: Emergency Preparedness and Poisoning
12 Picmonics 12 mins
Unit 3: The Nervous System
80 Picmonics 2 hrs 24 mins
Chapter 12: Cholinergic Drugs Affecting the Autonomic Nervous System
6 Picmonics 9 mins
Chapter 13: Adrenergic Drugs Affecting the Autonomic Nervous System
9 Picmonics 15 mins
Chapter 14: Drugs for Anxiety and Insomnia
8 Picmonics 14 mins
Chapter 15: Drugs for Seizures
8 Picmonics 15 mins
Chapter 16: Drugs for Emotional, Mood, and Behavioral Disorders
11 Picmonics 21 mins
Chapter 17: Drugs for Psychoses
10 Picmonics 22 mins
Chapter 18: Drugs for the Control of Pain
9 Picmonics 14 mins
Chapter 19: Drugs for Local and General Anesthesia
3 Picmonics 6 mins
Chapter 20: Drugs for Degenerative Diseases of the Nervous System
6 Picmonics 11 mins
Chapter 21: Drugs for Neuromuscular Disorders
2 Picmonics 3 mins
Chapter 22: Substance Abuse
8 Picmonics 15 mins
Unit 4: The Nervous System
79 Picmonics 2 hrs 23 mins
Chapter 23: Drugs for Lipid Disorders
5 Picmonics 9 mins
Chapter 24: Diuretic Therapy and Drugs for Kidney Failure
7 Picmonics 11 mins
Chapter 25: Drugs for Fluid Balance, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders
16 Picmonics 32 mins
Chapter 26: Drugs for Hypertension
12 Picmonics 22 mins
Chapter 27: Drugs for Heart Failure
6 Picmonics 10 mins
Chapter 28: Drugs for Angina Pectoris and Myocardial Infarction
8 Picmonics 16 mins
Chapter 29: Drugs for Shock
2 Picmonics 4 mins
Chapter 30: Drugs for Dysrhythmias
8 Picmonics 15 mins
Chapter 31: Drugs for Coagulation Disorders
11 Picmonics 17 mins
Chapter 32: Drugs for Hematopoietic Disorders
4 Picmonics 8 mins
Unit 5: The Immune System
56 Picmonics 1 hr 54 mins
Chapter 33: Drugs for Inflammation and Fever
7 Picmonics 10 mins
Chapter 34: Drugs for Immune System Modulation
7 Picmonics 14 mins
Chapter 35: Drugs for Bacterial Infections
15 Picmonics 34 mins
Chapter 36: Drugs for Tubercular, Fungal, Protozoan, and Helminthic Infections
9 Picmonics 20 mins
Chapter 37: Drugs for Viral Infections
13 Picmonics 27 mins
Chapter 38: Drugs for Neoplasia
5 Picmonics 9 mins
Unit 6: The Respiratory System
5 Picmonics 9 mins
Chapter 39: Drugs for Allergic Rhinitis and the Common Cold
1 Picmonics 2 mins
Chapter 40: Drugs for Asthma and Other Pulmonary Disorders
4 Picmonics 8 mins
Chapter 7: The Gastrointestinal System
27 Picmonics 51 mins
Chapter 41: Drugs for Peptic Ulcer Disease
5 Picmonics 9 mins
Chapter 42: Drugs for Bowel Disorders and Other Gastrointestinal Conditions
10 Picmonics 16 mins
Chapter 43: Drugs for Nutritional Disorders
12 Picmonics 26 mins
Unit 8: The Endocrine System
33 Picmonics 1 hr 7 mins
Chapter 44: Drugs for Pituitary, Thyroid, and Adrenal Disorders
14 Picmonics 27 mins
Chapter 45: Drugs for Diabetes Mellitus
11 Picmonics 23 mins
Chapter 46: Drugs for Disorders and Conditions of the Female Reproductive System
5 Picmonics 11 mins
Chapter 47: Drugs for Disorders and Conditions of the Male Reproductive System
3 Picmonics 5 mins
Unit 9: The Integumentary System, Eyes, and Ears
24 Picmonics 43 mins
Chapter 48: Drugs for Bone and Joint Disorders
15 Picmonics 25 mins
Chapter 49: Drugs for Skin Disorders
5 Picmonics 12 mins
Chapter 50: Drugs for Eye and Ear Disorders
4 Picmonics 6 mins
Ace Your Practical Nurse (LPN) Classes & Exams with Picmonic:
Over 2,020,000 students use Picmonic’s picture mnemonics to improve knowledge, retention, and exam performance.
Choose the #1 Practical Nurse (LPN) student study app.
Picmonic for Practical Nurse (LPN) covers information that is relevant to your entire Practical Nurse (LPN) education. Whether you’re studying for your classes or getting ready to conquer your NCLEX®-LPN, Hesi, ATI, or Kaplan exams, we’re here to help.
Works better than traditional Practical Nurse (LPN) flashcards.
Research shows that students who use Picmonic see a 331% improvement in memory retention and a 50% improvement in test scores.