Nurse Practitioner (NP)
Immune Basics

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Physiology | Nurse Practitioner (NP) School Study Aid

Immune Basics
6 Picmonics to Learn | 11 mins
Cell-mediated Adaptive Immune Response
Macrophages and Dendritic Cells Present Antigens
T Cell Develops Antigen Specificity
Regulatory T Cells Suppress Response
Memory T Cells Cause Faster Secondary Response
Cytotoxic T Cells Lyse Infected Cells
Infected Cells Present Antigen On Surface
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2 mins
Innate Immunity Cellular Response
Natural Killer Lymphocytes Attack Abnormal Cells
Neutrophils in Blood
Infected Cells Release Interferon
Complement Proteins Lyse Pathogens/Infected Cells
Dendritic Cells in Tissue
Macrophages in Tissue
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2 mins
Humoral Adaptive Immunity
B Cell Binds Free Floating Antigen
B Cell Presents Antigen to Helper T Cell
Helper T Cells Help B Cells Develop Antigen Specificity
Plasma B Cells Secrete Antibodies
Memory B Cells Cause Faster Secondary Response
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2 mins
Innate Immunity Barriers
Skin Protects Against Pathogens
Normal Flora Outcompete Pathogens
Lysozyme in Saliva, Tears, and Mucus
Mucous Traps Pathogens
Cilia Remove Mucus
Acid and Digestive Enzymes in the Stomach Kill Pathogens
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2 mins
Inflammatory Response
Pathogens Infect Tissue
Mast Cells Release Histamine
Histamine Dilates and Increases Capillary Permeability
Macrophages Engulf Pathogens
Macrophage Signals Cells With Cytokines
Responding Neutrophils Cross Capillary Wall
B And T Lymphocytes Arrive At Injury Site
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2 mins
Immune System Tissues
Bone Marrow
B Cells and T Cells Formed
B Cells Mature
T Cells Tested For Self-Response
T Cells Mature
Lymph Nodes
Mature B Cells and T Cells Monitor Lymph For Pathogens
Mature B Cells and T Cells Monitor Blood For Pathogens
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1 min

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