Fundamentals of Nursing, 9th Ed., Potter, Perry, Stockert & Hall, 2017 | Registered Nurse (RN) School Study Aid
Hepatitis B (HBV) Assessment
- Bodily Fluids
- Blood Transmission
- People Who Use IV Drugs
- Variable 1-6 Months
- Fever
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Hepatomegaly
- Cirrhosis
- Hepatocellular Carcinoma
- Vaccination
Hepatitis A (HAV) Assessment
- Fecal-Oral
- Ingestion of Contaminated Food or Water
- 4 Weeks
- Fever
- General Malaise
- Hepatomegaly
- Self-Limiting
- Proper Hand Washing
Hepatitis C (HCV) Assessment
- Blood Transmission
- High Risk Sex (rare)
- IV Drug Users
- 7 Weeks
- Cirrhosis
- Barrier Protection
Contact Precautions
- Private Room
- Wash In / Wash Out
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Gloves
- Gown
- Limit Time Patient Leaves Room
- Leave Equipment In Room
- Special Linen Handling
- Same Pathogen, Same Room
- History of Contact Isolation
- Preventative Education
Standard Precautions
- Hand Hygiene
- Wash In / Wash Out
- Alcohol-Based Hand Rub
- Hand Washing
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Gown
- Face Mask
- Goggles/Face Shield
- Gloves
- Donning and Removing PPE
- Discard Sharps in Puncture-Resistant Container
- Cough Etiquette
Droplet-Airborne Precautions
- Private Room
- Droplets Larger than 5 Microns
- Being Within 3 Feet of Patient
- Surgical Mask with Face Shield
- Type of Infection or Condition
- Airborne Infection Isolation Room (AIIR)
- Droplets Smaller than 5 Microns
- N95 Respirator
- Type of Infection or Condition
Innate Immunity Cellular Response
- Natural Killer Lymphocytes Attack Abnormal Cells
- Neutrophils in Blood
- Infected Cells Release Interferon
- Complement Proteins Lyse Pathogens/Infected Cells
- Dendritic Cells in Tissue
- Macrophages in Tissue
Inflammatory Response
- Pathogens Infect Tissue
- Mast Cells Release Histamine
- Histamine Dilates and Increases Capillary Permeability
- Macrophages Engulf Pathogens
- Macrophage Signals Cells With Cytokines
- Responding Neutrophils Cross Capillary Wall
- B And T Lymphocytes Arrive At Injury Site
Wound Drainage Types and Devices
- Serous
- Serosanguineous
- Sanguineous
- Purulent
- T-tube
- Penrose
- Jackson-Pratt (JP)
- Hemovac
- Record Drainage Amounts
- Check Device Function
Innate Immunity Barriers
- Skin Protects Against Pathogens
- Normal Flora Outcompete Pathogens
- Lysozyme in Saliva, Tears, and Mucus
- Mucous Traps Pathogens
- Cilia Remove Mucus
- Acid and Digestive Enzymes in the Stomach Kill Pathogens
WBC Differential Lab Value
- White Blood Cells (WBC)
- 5-10 (5,000-10,000)
- Neutrophils (50%-70%)
- Bands (2%-5%)
- Segs (50%-70%)
- Lymphocytes (20%-40%)
- Monocytes (4%-8%)
- Eosinophils (2%-4%)
- Basophils (0.5%-1.5%)
Urinary Tract Infection Prevention and Treatment
- Shower after Sex
- Urinate after Sex
- Wipe front to Back
- I and Os with Daily Weights
- Increase Water Intake
- Antibiotics
- Avoid Caffeine
- Dr Appointment in 2 Weeks
- Void every 2 - 4 hours
Aseptic Technique
- Invasive Procedures
- Skin Integrity Broken
- Hands Up for Scrubbing
- Keep Objects in View
- Only Sterile Objects in Field
- Only Sterile Touches Sterile
- Edges of Sterile Field
- If Sterility Questioned
- If Wet or Prolonged Exposure to Air
- Never Leave Sterile Area
- PPE Order
Traumatic Brain Injury Assessment
- Change in LOC
- Personality Changes
- Amnesia
- Increased Intracranial Pressure
- Diplopia
- Posturing
- Basilar Skull Fracture
- Halo or Ring Sign
- Intracranial Bleeding