
Robb Shared "Trial Picmonics" - 25 Picmonics

With Picmonic, facts become pictures. We've taken what the science shows - image mnemonics work - but we've boosted the effectiveness by building and associating memorable characters, interesting audio stories, and built-in quizzing. Whether you're studying for your classes or getting ready for a big exam, we're here to help.

Trial Picmonics

Plant Growth Experiment
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable
Dependent variable shows the effect of the independent variable
Control (Constant) Variable
Other Variables
Pot Size
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2 mins
Roller Coaster Cart Experiment
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable
Independent variable affects the dependent variable
Control (Constant) Variable
Other Variable:
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Mice and Cheese Experiment
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable
Independent variable affects the dependent variable
Control (Constant) Variable
Other Variables
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Chromosome and DNA
DNA is the blueprint for building an organism
A chromosome is packed with DNA
Chromosomes exist in pairs
Humans have 23 chromosome pairs
Chromosomes are found in the nucleus
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Measurements and Tools
Volume is measured in millileters (mL) by a Graduated Cylinder
Mass is measured in grams (g) by a Triple Beam Balance
Time is measured in seconds (s) and minutes (min) by a Stopwatch
Distance is measured in millimeters (mm), centimeters (cm), and meters (m) by a Ruler
Temperature is measured in degrees Celsius by a Thermometer
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Bias is a personal or social perspective
Bias affects the way people view a situation
Examples of Bias
Conflict of interest or funding bias
Personal Prejudices
Strong opinions about the hypothesis
Surprised by findings
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Hybrid Punnett Square
Gregor Mendel
Two Hybrid Parents Mate
3 children have the same phenotype
1 child has a different phenotype
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Passing characteristics from parent to offspring
Those characteristics can be similar to or different from parents
Half of the genes come from the father
Half of the genes come from mother
Recessive characteristics not expressed in either parent can be expressed in a child
Some phenotypes are more favorable than others in Natural Selection
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Genotype vs. Phenotype
Genotype is the genetic makeup
Genotype is coded in DNA
Genotype is shown as 2 letters that represent 2 alleles
Genotype is the code for phenotype
Phenotype is physical appearance of organism
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Homozygous vs. Heterozygous
Description of Genotypes
Homozygous has 2 of the same allele (AA or aa)
Homozygous dominant is AA
Homozygous Recessive is aa
Heterozygous has 2 different alleles (Aa)
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Dominant vs. Recessive
Dominant allele dominates over recessive allele
If both alleles are present the dominant phenotype is expressed
The recessive phenotype is expressed only with two recessive alleles
Examples of dominant characteristics are widow's peak, dark hair, and dark eyes
Examples of recessive characteristics are straight hairline, light hair, and light eyes
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Observation and Inference - Blue Hair
Observations are gathered with the 5 senses
Observations can be qualitative
Observations can be quantitative
Inferences are an explanation for an observation
Based on previous experiences
Can vary from person to person
Can change once more information is gathered
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Observation and Inference - Green Egg
Observations are gathered with 5 senses
Observations can be qualitative
Observations can be quantitive
Inferences are an explanation for an observation
Based on previous experiences
Can vary from person to person
Can change once more information is gathered
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Observation and Inference - Green Stalk
Observations are gathered with the 5 senses
Observations can be qualitative
Observations can be quantitative
Inferences are an explanation for an observation
Based on previous experiences
Can vary from person to person
Can change once more information is gathered
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Question and Hypothesis - Height
Question: Does the independent variable effect the dependent variable
Hypothesis: Proposed explanation for how the independent variable effects the dependent variable
Hypothesis must be testable
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Question and Hypothesis - Distance
Question: Does the independent variable effect the dependent variable?
Hypothesis: Proposed explanation for how the independent affects the dependent variable
The hypothesis must be testable
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Question and Hypothesis - Heat
Question: Does the independent variable effect the dependent variable?
Hypothesis: Proposed explanation for how the independent variable effects the dependent variable
The hypothesis must be testable
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Validity vs. Reliability
A valid experiment tests the hypothesis, but may not be reliable
A reliable experiment is repeatable with consistent results, but may not be valid
Some experiments are neither valid nor reliable
An experiment should be valid and reliable for the conclusion to be trustworthy
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Experimental Group vs. Control Group
Experimental Group 1 is given a treatment of independent variable
Experimental Group 2 is given a different treatment of Independent Variable
Both experimental groups are observed for changes
The control group is isolated from the independent variable treatments
Control (Constant) Variables are in each group
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2 mins
Cells and the Nucleus
Cells are the smallest unit of life
Cells are the building blocks of all life
The nucleus is the "brain" of the cell
The nucleus holds DNA
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1 min

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