Jen Shared "Jen's Playlist of Awesomeness" - 9 Picmonics
With Picmonic, facts become pictures. We've taken what the science shows - image mnemonics work - but we've boosted the effectiveness by building and associating memorable characters, interesting audio stories, and built-in quizzing. Whether you're studying for your classes or getting ready for a big exam, we're here to help.
Jen's Playlist of Awesomeness
5 Rights of Delegation
Right Task
Right Circumstance
Right Person
Right Direction/Communication
Right Supervision/Evaluation
1 min
ABCDEs of Melanoma
1 min
Abruptio Placentae
Premature Separation of Placenta
Tearing Pain
Bleeding (Often Concealed)
Rigid Uterus
Corticosteroids as Needed
Emergent Delivery
Increased Risks for Neonate
Rh (Rhesus) Incompatibilities
Increased Risk for Shock
Monitor Fetal Heart Rate
3 mins
Age 2 Months - Developmental Milestones
Gross Motor
Holds Head Up, But Unsteady
Moves Both Arms and Both Legs
Fine Motor
Opens Hands Briefly
Tracks Objects to the Midline
Produces Sounds Aside from Crying
Reacts to Loud Noise
Social / Cognitive
Social Smile
Recognizes Parents
Soothed When Spoken to or Picked Up
2 mins
Age 2 Years - Developmental Milestones
Gross Motor
Kicks a Ball
Walks Up Stairs With Help
Fine Motor
Stacks Six Blocks
Feeds Self With a Spoon
Language / Communication
Two-Word Phrases
Points to Book Items as Prompted
Demonstrates Varied Gestures
Identifies Body Parts When Prompted
Social / Cognitive
Shows Empathy
Holds and Manipulates Objects Simultaneously
Engages With Multiple Toys
2 mins
Age 4 Months - Developmental Milestones
Gross Motor
Keeps Head Steady Without Support
Pushes Up on Elbows While on Tummy
Fine Motor
Holds a Toy in Hands
Moves Hands Towards Mouth
Turns to Voice
Social / Cognitive
Enjoys Looking Around
Looks at Hands With Interest
Opens Mouth When Hungry
2 mins
Age 4 Years - Developmental Milestones
Gross Motor
Unbuttons Some Buttons
Catches a Large Ball
Serves Food or Pours Water With Help
Fine Motor
Copies Line, Circle, Stick Figure
Language / Communication
100% Speech Understandable
Identifies Colors
Social/ Cognitive
Cooperative Play
Imaginary Friends
Likes Being a “Helper”
Avoids Danger
2 mins
Respiratory Acidosis
Increased PaCO2 > 45
Barbiturates Depress Central Respiratory Center of Brain
Opioids Depress Central Respiratory Center of the Brain
Airway Obstruction
Respiratory Muscle Weakness/Paralysis
3 mins
Respiratory Acidosis Assessment
Decreased pH < 7.35
Increased PaCO2 > 45
Reduced Respirations
Change in LOC
Increased Electrolytes
ECG Changes
Muscle Weakness
2 mins
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