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Med-Surg Lewis 9e Chapter 32

Coronary Arteries
Aortic Root
Right Coronary Artery (RCA)
Right (Acute) Marginal Artery
Posterior Descending Artery (PDA)
Left Coronary Artery (LCA)
Left Anterior Descending (LAD) Artery
Circumflex Artery
Left Marginal Artery
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1 min
Cardiac Cycle - Systole
AV Node
AV Node Conducts Signal to Bundle of His
Bundle of His Signals Purkinje Fibers to Contract Ventricles
Tricuspid Valve Closes
Pulmonary Valve Opens
Mitral Valve Closes
Aortic Valve Opens
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2 mins
Cardiac Cycle - Diastole
Aortic Valve Closes
Pulmonary Valve Closes
Ventricles Relax
Mitral Valve Opens
Tricuspid Valve Opens
Ventricles Fill
Sinoatrial (SA) Node Fires
Atrial Contraction
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3 mins
Vital Signs - Adult
Temperature (96.8-100.4 Degrees F) (36-38 Degrees C)
Respiration (12-20)
Oxygen Saturation (94%-100%)
Pulse (60-100)
Blood Pressure (<120/80)
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2 mins
Cardiac Enzyme Evaluation: Troponin
Cardiac Muscle Injury
Time Ranges
Detection in Blood: 4 Hours
Peak: 24 - 36 Hours
Return to Normal: 5 - 14 Days
Most Specific for Cardiac Muscle
Treat Aggressively
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2 mins
Cardiac Enzyme Evaluation: Myoglobin
Skeletal or Cardiac Muscle Injury
Time Ranges
Onset: 1 - 4 Hours
Peak: 12 Hours
Return to Normal: 24 Hours
Elevation After 24 Hours: Reinfarction
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2 mins
Cardiac Enzyme Evaluation: Creatine Kinase CK-MB
Skeletal or Cardiac Muscle Injury
Time Ranges
Onset: 4-8 Hours
Peak: 12-24 Hours
Return to Normal: 2-3 Days
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1 min
Troponin Lab Values
Troponin T (cTnT)
< 0.1 ng/mL Normal
Troponin I (cTnI)
< 0.5 ng/mL Normal
> 2.3 ng/mL Myocardial Injury
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2 mins
Triglycerides Lab Value
< 150 mg/dL
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51 secs

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