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Postpartum Depression 12190
Postpartum Blues
40%-80% of women
Onset: 2-3 days and resolves in 10-14 days
Mild depression, tearfulness, irritability
Treatment: Reassurance & monitoring
Postpartum depression
8%-15% of women
Onset: Within 4 weeks
Moderate to severe depression, sleep or appetite disturbance, low energy, psychomotor changes, guilt, concentration difficulty, suicidal ideation
Treatment: Antidepressants (SSRI), psychotherapy
In breastfeeding patients, sertraline is preferred as levels in infant sera are usually undetectable
Paroxetine can also be used
Electroconvulsive therapy is considered a safe treatment option in the perinatal period for resistant cases
Postpartum psychosis
0.1%-0.2% of women
Onset: Variable Days to weeks
Delusions, hallucinations, thought disorganization, bizarre behavior
Treatment: Antipsychotics, antidepressants, mood stabilizers Hospitalization; do not leave mother alone with infant (risk of infanticide)
Narcolepsy 521
Disordered regulation of sleep-wake cycles; 1° characteristic is excessive daytime sleepiness (awaken feeling rested)
Caused by decreased hypocretin (orexin) (measured from CSF fluid) production in lateral hypothalamus
Hypocretin-1 (orexin-A, measureable in CSF) and hypocretin-2 (orexin-B) promote wakefullness and inhibit REM
Hypnagogic (just before sleep) or hypnopompic (just before awakening) hallucinations
Nocturnal and narcoleptic sleep episodes that start with REM sleep
Cataplexy (loss of all muscle tone following strong emotional stimulus, such as laughter) in some patients
Treated with muscarinic agonists
Sodium oxybate (can also be used for non cataplexic narcolepsy) and SSRIs
Rarely used due to abuse potentia l and restrictive regulations
Mirtazapine and Varenicline (Atypical Antidepressants)
α2-antagonist (Increased release of NE and 5-HT)
α2-antagonist (Increased release of NE and 5-HT)
Potent 5-HT2 and 5-HT3 receptor antagonist and H1 antagonist
Potent 5-HT2 and 5-HT3 receptor antagonist and H1 antagonist
Toxicity: sedation (which may be desirable in depressed patients with insomnia), increased appetite, weight gain (which may be desirable in elderly or anorexic patients), dry mouth
Toxicity: sedation (which may be desirable in depressed patients with insomnia), increased appetite, weight gain (which may be desirable in elderly or anorexic patients), dry mouth
Considered a first line antidepressant
Considered a first line antidepressant
Nicotinic ACh receptor partial agonist
Nicotinic ACh receptor partial agonist
Used for smoking cessation (decreases both cravings and decreasing the rewarding effects of nicotine)
Used for smoking cessation (decreases both cravings and decreasing the rewarding effects of nicotine)
Toxicity: sleep disturbance
Toxicity: sleep disturbance
Has been associated with mood changes and suicidality as well as cardiovascular events in patients with pre-existing cardiovascular disease
Has been associated with mood changes and suicidality as well as cardiovascular events in patients with pre-existing cardiovascular disease
More effect ive than bup ropion or nicotine replacement therapy
More effect ive than bup ropion or nicotine replacement therapy
It can partially stimulate the receptor, thereby reducing symptoms of nicotine withdrawal
It can partially stimulate the receptor, thereby reducing symptoms of nicotine withdrawal
It also prevents the nicotine in cigarette smoke from binding the receptor, reducing the rewarding effects of smoking
It also prevents the nicotine in cigarette smoke from binding the receptor, reducing the rewarding effects of smoking
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