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Emily Shared "Med Surg" - 337 Picmonics

With Picmonic, facts become pictures. We've taken what the science shows - image mnemonics work - but we've boosted the effectiveness by building and associating memorable characters, interesting audio stories, and built-in quizzing. Whether you're studying for your classes or getting ready for a big exam, we're here to help.

Med Surg

Stages of Hypothermia
32 to 35°C (90 to 95°F)
28 to 32°C (82 to 90°F)
Obvious Motor Impairment
Slowed Thinking
< 28°C (< 82°F)
Shivering Stops
Paradoxical Undressing
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3 mins
Hypothermia Interventions
Remove From Environment
Remove Wet Clothing
Passive Rewarming
Warm Clothing
Active Rewarming
Heated Blankets
Warm IV Solutions
Heated Oxygen
Warm Gastric Lavage
Warm Trunk BEFORE Extremities
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IV Solutions
Hypotonic (< 280 mOsm/L)
1/4 Normal Saline (0.225% NaCl)
1/2 Normal Saline (0.45% NaCl)
Isotonic (280-300 mOsm)
Normal Saline (0.9% NaCl)
Lactated Ringer's (LR)
Dextrose 5% in Water (D5W)
Hypertonic (> 300 mOsm)
3% or 5% NaCl
Dextrose 5% in 0.45% NaCl
Dextrose 10% in Water (D10W)
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Types of Blood Products
Whole Blood
Packed Red Blood Cells
Fresh Frozen Plasma
Clotting Factors
Use within 24 Hours
Washing Removes Antibodies
Irradiation Destroys WBCs
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Blood Types and Compatibilities
ABO Compatibility
No Antigens (Type O Blood)
Universal Donor
A Antigen (Type A Blood)
B Antigen (Type B Blood)
AB Antigen (Type AB Blood)
Universal Recipient
Rhesus (Rh) Compatibility
Rh (Rhesus) Antigen
Never Rh+ to Rh-
Blood Transfusion
Obstetric Patient
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Blood Transfusion Administration
Proper Patient Identification
Large Bore Needle
Y Tubing
Baseline Vital Signs
Slow IV Infusion
Monitor During First 15 Minutes or 50 mL of Blood
Monitor for Reactions
Do Not Add Anything To Same IV Line
No Dextrose or Lactated Ringers
Jehovah's Witnesses, No Transfusions
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Transfusion Reactions
Acute Hemolytic
Febrile, Non-Hemolytic
Mild Allergic
Circulatory Overload
Sepsis Reaction
Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI)
Massive Blood Transfusion
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Normal Electrolyte Lab Values
Potassium (K+)
3.5 to 5.0 mEq/L
Calcium (Ca2+)
8.5 to 10.5 mg/dL
Phosphate (PO43–)
2.5 to 4.5 mg/dL
Magnesium (Mg2+)
1.5 to 2.5 mEq/L
Sodium (Na+)
135 to 145 mEq/L
Chloride (Cl)
95 to 105 mEq/L
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Magnesium (Mg2+) Lab Value
1.5 to 2.5 mEq/L
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28 secs
Phosphate (PO43-) Lab Value
2.5 to 4.5 mg/dL
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29 secs
Potassium (K+) Lab Value
3.5 to 5.0 mEq/L
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20 secs
Calcium (Ca2+) Lab Value
8.5 to 10.5 mg/dL
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26 secs
Chloride (Cl-) Lab Value
95-105 mEq/L
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28 secs
Sodium (Na+) Lab Value
135-145 mEq/L
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24 secs
Aseptic Technique
Invasive Procedures
Skin Integrity Broken
Hands Up for Scrubbing
Keep Objects in View
Only Sterile Objects in Field
Only Sterile Touches Sterile
Edges of Sterile Field
If Sterility Questioned
If Wet or Prolonged Exposure to Air
Never Leave Sterile Area
PPE Order
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Preoperative Care
Preop Education
Surgical Procedure
Turn, Cough, Deep Breathe, Incentive Spirometer
Lower Extremity Exercises
Compression Stockings or SCD's
Pain Management
Informed Consent
Physical Preparation
Preop Checklist
Handoff to Surgery
Universal Precautions
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Postoperative Care
Head to Toe Assessment
Dehiscence or Evisceration
Respiratory Complications
Paralytic Ileus
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Postoperative Fever
5 W's
Wind (Days 1-3)
Water (Days 3-5)
Urinary Tract Infection from Catheter
Walking (Days 4-6)
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Pulmonary Embolism
Wound (Days 5-7)
Wonder Drugs (Days 7+)
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Cardiac Enzyme Evaluation: Troponin
Cardiac Muscle Injury
Time Ranges
Detection in Blood: 4 Hours
Peak: 24 - 36 Hours
Return to Normal: 5 - 14 Days
Most Specific for Cardiac Muscle
Treat Aggressively
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Cardiac Enzyme Evaluation: Myoglobin
Skeletal or Cardiac Muscle Injury
Time Ranges
Onset: 1 - 4 Hours
Peak: 12 Hours
Return to Normal: 24 Hours
Elevation After 24 Hours: Reinfarction
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