Emma Marie Shared "2015 Study Guide Biochemistry" - 85 Picmonics
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2015 Study Guide Biochemistry
Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome
X-linked Recessive
Absence of HGPRT
Hypoxanthine to IMP
Guanine to GMP
PRPP is Increased
Excess Uric Acid
Signs & Symptoms
Intellectual Disability
3 mins
Chromosome Components
1 min
DNA Base Pairing
3' End
5' End
Antiparallel Base Pairing
Complementary Strands Pair
Thymine And Adenine Pair
2 Hydrogen Bonds
Adenine and Uracil Pair in RNA
Guanine And Cytosine Pair
3 Hydrogen Bonds
3 mins
Adenosine Deaminase Deficiency
Adenosine to Inosine
Excess ATP
Inhibition of Ribonucleotide Reductase
Prevents DNA Synthesis
Decreases B Cells and T Cells
Major cause of SCID
1 min
DNA Replication
DNA Gyrase Uncoils Supercoil
Helicase Separated DNA Strand
Single-Strand Binding (SSB) Protein Keeps Strands Separated
DNA Polymerase Synthesizes New Strand
3' To 5' Reading
Primase Creates RNA Primer
Telomerase Caps DNA Ends
DNA Ligase Combines Okazaki Fragments
Okazaki Fragments On Lagging Strand
4 mins
3' Poly A Tail
5' Cap
Template For Translation
Catalyzes Amino Acid Bonds
Component of Ribosome Enzyme
Anticodon Region
3' Tail Bind To Amino Acid
2 mins
Codon Overview
mRNA Read In Three Nucleotide Chunks
AUG Is Start Codon
Matching tRNA Anticodon
Amino Acid Specific (To Codon)
AUG Codes For Methionine
UAA, UAG And UGA Are Termination Codons
2 mins
Eukaryotic Transcription Regulation
DNA Silencer Region
Transcription Factors bind Silencer Region
Decreased Transcription
Co-factors can deactivate factors
Co-factors can activate factors
DNA Enhancer Region
Transcription Factors bind Enhancer Region
Increased Transcription
Enhancer and Silencer regions can be far from Promoter
2 mins
Eukaryotic Post Transcriptional Modification
Modifications in Nucleus
mRNA Splicing
Introns Cut Out
Exons spliced together
Alternate Splicing
5' Cap added
3' Poly A tail added
Transported to Cytosol
2 mins
Translation: Initiation
Translation: Initiation
Ribosome Binds mRNA
Complex Reads 5' to 3'
AUG Start Codon
Initiation Complex Forms
GTP and Initiation Factor Bring Complex Together
Met-tRNA Binds P Site
tRNA With Bound Amino Acids Binds A Site
Amino Acid Chain Created in Elongation
3 mins
Translation: Elongation & Termination
Translation: Elongation
Amino Acid Chain Is Created
New Amino Acid-tRNA Enters A Site
GTP and Elongation Factors Help tRNA Enter A Site
Peptide Chain Binds to New Amino Acid
Peptide Chain-tRNA Moves to P Site
Free tRNA in P Site Moves to E Site
Translation: Termination
Stop Codon at A Site Causes Termination
Release Factors Help Complex Disassociate
Complex Falls Apart
3 mins
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Autosomal Dominant
Decreased Type I Collagen Production
Phenotypically Diverse
Brittle Bone Disease
Fractures from Minimal Trauma
Confused with Child Abuse
Hearing Loss
Dental Imperfections
Blue Sclera
1 min
Nuclear Membrane Disintegrates
Centrioles Migrate
Spindle Apparatus Forms
Meiosis I starts Diploid
Homologous Chromosomes form Tetrads
Tetrads Cross Over
Meiosis II starts Haploid
Mitosis starts Diploid
Sister Chromatid Pairs Stay Separated
2 mins
Microtubules Extend from Centrioles' Spindles
Meiosis I Tetrads Aligned at Metaphase Plate
Meiosis II Sister Chromatids Aligned at Metaphase Plate
Mitosis Sister Chromatids Aligned at Metaphase Plate
57 secs
Spindle Microtubules from Centrioles Split Pairs
Meiosis I Tetrad Splits into Two Sister Chromatid Pairs
Meiosis II Sister Chromatid Pair Splits into Two Chromatids
Mitosis Sister Chromatid Pair Splits into Two Chromatids
1 min
Cytokinesis Divides Cells
Meiosis I Cell Ends Haploid
Meiosis II Cell Ends Haploid
Mitosis Cell Ends Diploid
Chromosomes Decondense into Chromatin
Nuclear Membrane Reforms
1 min
Cell Cycle Phases
G0 Phase
Growth Arrest
G1 Phase
G1 Check By Rb And p53
S Phase
DNA Mismatch Repair
DNA Synthesis
G2 Phase
G2 Check
M Phase
Mitosis And Cytokinesis
3 mins
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Disease
Faulty Collagen Synthesis
Autosomal Dominant or Recessive
Various Severities
Signs and Symptoms
Hypermobile Joints
Hyperextensible Skin
Easy Bruising/Bleeding
Berry (Saccular) Aneurysm
Brighton Criteria
2 mins
Von Hippel-Lindau Disease
Chromosome 3
Medulla, Retina, Cerebellum
Kidney, Liver, Pancreas
Develop Bilateral Renal Carcinomas
2 mins
Cystic Fibrosis Mechanisms
Autosomal Recessive
CFTR Chromosome 7
Cl- channel Defect
Decreased Chloride Secretion
Increased Na and Water Reabsorption
Increased Na and Cl in Sweat
Dehydration of Mucous Layers
2 mins
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