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DOWNLOAD PDFVitamin E functions as an antioxidant, disabling the production of free radicals in the body. As this vitamin is fat-soluble, reduced free radicals bound to vitamin E are incorporated into cell membranes, which protects them from further oxidative damage or reactivity.
While vitamin E does not play a role in erythropoiesis, or red blood cell production, it is vital to their protection. Red blood cells are particularly prone to lipid peroxidation, since they carry oxygen (which easily undergo oxidative stress) to the tissues. Vitamin E works to prevent lipid peroxidation, protecting them from damage and hemolysis.
Vitamin E functions as an antioxidant, disabling the production of free radicals in the body. It functions as a peroxyl radical scavenger, reacting with free radicals to form a tocopheryl radical. As this vitamin is fat-soluble, reduced free radicals bound to vitamin E are incorporated into cell membranes, which protects them from further oxidative damage or reactivity.
Red blood cells are particularly prone to lipid peroxidation, since they carry oxygen (which easily undergo oxidative stress) to the tissues. Vitamin E works to prevent lipid peroxidation, protecting them from damage and hemolysis. Thus, deficiency of vitamin E deficiency can result in hemolytic anemia.
Vitamin E deficiency can also lead to spinal cord damage as a result of excess oxidative stress. The posterior column is the white matter tract on the dorsomedial side of the spinal cord. This tract contains ascending fibers important for fine touch, vibration, pressure and proprioception. In cases of vitamin E deficiency, these sensations can be affected, leading to peripheral sensory defects.
Vitamin E deficiency can lead to spinal cord damage as a result of excess oxidative stress. The spinocerebellar tract contains fibers that begin in the spinal cord and terminate in the ipsilateral cerebellum, conveying information about limb and joint position. Vitamin E associated spinocerebellar tract damage characteristically presents with ataxia.
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