Medicine (MD/DO)

Clindamycin Mnemonic for Effective Learning

Picmonic makes conquering clindamycin a breeze. Our engaging characters, audio stories, and built-in quizzes help you master clindamycin's mechanism of action and key uses with a powerful mnemonic. Dominate your USMLE prep with confidence!



Clindamycin is a bacteriostatic antibiotic commonly used to treat infections with anaerobic bacteria. It is a bacterial protein synthesis inhibitor that binds to the 50S ribosomal subunit and inhibits ribosomal translocation, similar to macrolides. These antibiotics are typically used to treat anaerobic infections above the diaphragm, like those caused by organisms such as Bacteroides fragilis and Clostridium perfringens, while metronidazole is commonly used to treat anaerobic infections below. Common indications for use include aspiration pneumonia caused by the entrance of oral or gastric contents into the bronchial tree and lung abscesses.

Bacteriostatic antibiotics limit the growth of bacteria by interfering with bacterial protein production, DNA replication, or other aspects of metabolism while not necessarily directly harming the organism. Upon removal of the bacteriostatic agent, the bacteria can regrow as opposed to bactericidal agents that directly kill bacteria.

Binds 50S Ribosomal Subunit

Clindamycin is a bacteriostatic antibiotic commonly used to treat infections with anaerobic bacteria. It is a bacterial protein synthesis inhibitor that binds to the 50S ribosomal subunit and inhibits ribosomal translocation, similar to macrolides. Other antibiotics that bind to the 50S subunit include chloramphenicol, macrolides, lincomycin, and linezolid.

Blocks Translocation
50S-rapper Blocking Train-loco

Clindamycin inhibits protein synthesis by interfering with the elongation of the polypeptide chain of bacterial proteins and the translocation of the ribosomal subunit.

Anaerobic Infections above the Diaphragm
Ant-robe above Diaphragm-trampoline

Clindamycin is typically used to treat anaerobic infections above the diaphragm, however, it can be used for other types of infections. Metronidazole is generally used to treat anaerobic infections below the diaphragm.

Aspiration Pneumonia
Aspirating-ass Spraying Water on Nude-Mona

Aspiration pneumonia is a bronchopneumonia that is caused by the entrance of oral or gastric contents into the bronchial tree. It is commonly caused by an incompetent swallowing mechanism such as multiple sclerosis, stroke or intoxication. Generally, the right middle and lower lung lobes are the most common sites of infiltration due to larger caliber and more vertical orientation of the right mainstem bronchus. Clindamycin is commonly used in the treatment of aspiration pneumonia for coverage of anaerobic organisms.

Lung Abscess
Abscess guy in Lungs

A lung abscess is a pus filled cavity in the lung commonly caused by aspiration pneumonia. Generally, the right middle and lower lung lobes are the most common sites of infiltration due to larger caliber and more vertical orientation of the right mainstem bronchus. Clindamycin tends to be reserved for penicillin-allergic patients in such cases.

Can Cause Pseudomembranous Colitis
Sumo-man-bra Colon-on-fire

Clindamycin is associated with pseudomembranous colitis, an infection of the colon characterized by foul smelling diarrhea, fever, and abdominal pain caused by Clostridium difficile infection. Clindamycin is known to be an antibiotic that can precipitate pseudomembranous colitis due to a broad spectrum that can destroy normal gut flora, allowing the gut to be overrun with C. difficile.


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