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Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Intensive Review 3rd Edition, Leik, 2018
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Ace Your Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Intensive Review 3rd Edition, Leik, 2018 Classes and Exams with Picmonic: #1 Visual Mnemonic Study Tool for Nurse Practitioner (NP) Students

With Picmonic, facts become pictures. We've taken what the science shows - image mnemonics work - but we've boosted the effectiveness by building and associating memorable characters, interesting audio stories, and built-in quizzing. Whether you're studying for your classes or getting ready for a big exam, we're here to help.

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Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Intensive Review 3rd Edition, Leik, 2018 | Nurse Practitioner (NP) School Study Aid

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7 Picmonics to Learn | 19 mins
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) Deficiency Causes
Pernicious Anemia
Gastric Bypass Surgery
Crohn's Disease
Diphyllobothrium latum
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4 mins
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) Mechanism and Deficiency
Large reserve pool in the liver
Homocysteine to methionine
Methylmalonyl CoA to succinyl CoA
Deficiency Signs and Symptoms
Macrocytic Megaloblastic Anemia
Hypersegmented Neutrophils
Neurologic defects
Posterior column
Lateral corticospinal tract
Spinocerebellar tract
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5 mins
Hodgkin Lymphoma Pathophysiology
Reed-Sternberg Cells
Owl's Eyes Appearance
CD 15 and CD 30
B Cell Origin
Bimodal Age Distribution
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2 mins
Hodgkin Lymphoma Signs & Symptoms
Signs and Symptoms
Localized Single Group of Lymph Nodes
Contiguous Spread
Constitutional B Symptoms
Low-Grade Fever
Night Sweats
Weight Loss
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2 mins
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Assessment
Lymphatic Cancer
Non-Contiguous Spread
B or T Cells
Painless Lymphadenopathy
Constitutional B Signs
Night Sweats
Weight Loss
Mediastinal or Abdominal Mass
Older Adults
> 60 Subtypes
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2 mins
Multiple Myeloma Pathophysiology
Monoclonal Plasma Cell Cancer
Clock Face Chromatin
M Spike on Protein Electrophoresis
Increased IgG and IgA
Fried Egg Appearance (BM Biopsy)
Rouleaux Formation
Stacked RBC's
Bence Jones Protein
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2 mins
Multiple Myeloma Signs and Symptoms
Signs and Symptoms
Increased Susceptibility to Infection
Back/Bone Pain
Punched Out Lytic Bone Lesions
Primary Amyloidosis
Renal Insufficiency
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2 mins

Ace Your Nurse Practitioner (NP) Classes & Exams with Picmonic:

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