Essentials of Maternity, Newborn, and Women's Health Nursing, 4th Ed., Ricci, 2016 | Registered Nurse (RN) School Study Aid
Carboprost (Hemabate)
- Prostaglandin F2-alpha Analog
- Smooth Muscle Contraction
- Postpartum Hemorrhage
- Abortion
- GI Distress
- Hypertension
- Fever
- Bronchoconstriction
- Identify Cause of Fever
Methylergonovine (Methergine) and Ergotamine (Ergot Alkaloids)
- Smooth Muscle Contraction
- Vasoconstriction
- Migraine
- Postpartum Hemorrhage
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Severe Hypertension
- Tachycardia
- 2nd Line Agent
Venous Thromboembolism (DVT) Interventions
- Anticoagulants
- Prevention Education
- Frequent Ambulation
- Leg Exercises
- Compression Stockings or SCD's
- Avoid Nicotine and Oral Contraceptives
- Surgery
Pulmonary Embolism Assessment
- Shortness of Breath (SOB)
- Pleuritic Chest Pain
- Tachypnea
- Hemoptysis
- Hypoxemia
- Sudden Death
Pulmonary Embolism Causes
- FAT BAT Mnemonic
- Fat
- Air
- Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
- Bacteria
- Amniotic Fluid
- Tumor
- Hypercoagulable
- Central Venous Lines
- Immobilized
Dinoprostone and Misoprostol
- Prostaglandins
- Promote Cervical Ripening
- Prevent GI Ulcers
- Medical Abortion
- Fetal Distress
- Hyperstimulation of Uterus
- Vaginal Insertion
- Give Before Induction of Labor
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) Assessment
- Improper Initiation of Clotting Cascade
- Systemic Bleeding
- Petechiae, Purpura, Ecchymosis
- Change in LOC
- Increased PT and PTT
- Cyanosis
- Increased Fibrin Degradation Products (FDP)
- Decreased Platelets and Fibrinogen
Oxytocin (Pitocin)
- Increase Uterine Contractions
- Labor Induction
- Control Postpartum Hemorrhage
- Uterine Rupture
- Water Intoxication
- Fetal Lung Immaturity
- Cervix Not Ripened
- Active Genital Herpes Infection
- Use Lowest Dose
- IV Pump
Postpartum Hemorrhage
- Uterine Atony
- Lacerations
- Retained Placenta
- Bleeding
- Hypotension
- Boggy Uterus
- Oxytocin
- Bimanual Compression of Uterus
- Surgery
- Blood Transfusion
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) Interventions
- Risk for Shock
- Renal Failure
- Treat Underlying Cause
- Manage Bleeding
- Maintain Fluid and Hemodynamic Balance
- Transfusion
- Oxygenation
- Heparin Drip
Venous Thromboembolism (DVT) Assessment
- Venous Wall Inflammation caused by Thrombus
- Tenderness
- Edema
- Warmth
- Asymmetry
- Could be Asymptomatic
- Monitor for Pulmonary Embolism
Postpartum Infection
- Fever > 100.4F After 24 Hours (38 C)
- Multiple Vaginal Examinations
- Vaginal Trauma
- Prolonged Rupture of Membranes
- Cesarean Birth
- Anemia of Pregnancy
- Retained Placental Fragments
- Poor Health Status
Urinary Tract Infection Prevention and Treatment
- Shower after Sex
- Urinate after Sex
- Wipe front to Back
- I and Os with Daily Weights
- Increase Water Intake
- Antibiotics
- Avoid Caffeine
- Dr Appointment in 2 Weeks
- Void every 2 - 4 hours
Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms
- More Common in Elderly
- Most Common in Females and Babies
- Change in LOC
- Dehydration
- Fever
- Urgency
- Urethral Infection
- Burning
- Smelly Urine
- Dark Cloudy Urine
- Frequency of Urination