Understanding Pathophysiology, 6th Ed., Huether, McCance, Brashers, & Rote | Registered Nurse (RN) School Study Aid
Macroscopic Bone Structure
- Compact Bone
- Yellow Bone Marrow
- Spongy Bone
- Red Bone Marrow
- Long Bone
- Epiphysis
- Epiphyseal Plate
- Diaphysis
- Metaphysis
- Periosteum
Cranial Bones
- Occipital
- Parietal
- Frontal
- Temporal
- Ethmoid
- Sphenoid
Facial Bones
- Vomer
- Conchae
- Nasal
- Maxilla
- Mandible
- Palatine
- Zygomatic
- Lacrimal
Carpal Bones
- "Some Lovers Try Positions That They Can't Handle"
- Scaphoid
- Lunate
- Triquetrum
- Pisiform
- Trapezium
- Trapezoid
- Capitate
- Hamate
Upper Limb Bones - Humerus
- Greater Tubercle
- Lesser Tubercle
- Anatomic Neck
- Surgical Neck
- Deltoid Tuberosity
- Epicondyles
- Coronoid Fossa
- Capitulum
- Olecranon Fossa
- Trochlea
Upper Limb Bones - Ulna and Radius
- Ulna
- Olecranon Process
- Coronoid Process
- Trochlear Notch
- Radial Notch
- Styloid Process of Ulna
- Head of the Ulna
- Radius
- Radial Head
- Neck
- Radial Tuberosity
- Styloid Process
- Ulnar notch
- Listers (aka Dorsal) Tubercle
Pelvic Bones
- Ilium
- Iliac Crest
- ASIS (Anterior Superior Iliac Spine)
- AIIS (Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine)
- Acetabulum
- Pubis
- Pubic Symphysis
- Obturator Foramen
- Ischium
- Sacrum
- Coccyx
Lower Limb Bones - Femur
- Head
- Neck
- Greater Trochanter
- Lesser Trochanter
- Gluteal Tuberosity
- Pectineal Line
- Linea Aspera
- Epicondyles
- Condyles
- Adductor Tubercle
Lower Limb Bones - Tibia and Fibula
- Tibia
- Tibial Plateau
- Medial and Lateral Condyles
- Tibial Tuberosity
- Gerdys Tubercle
- Fibular Notch
- Medial Malleolus
- Fibula
- Fibular Head
- Lateral Malleolus
Foot Bones
- Tiger Cubs Need MILC
- Talus
- Calcaneus
- Navicular
- Medial Cuneiform
- Intermediate Cuneiform
- Lateral Cuneiform
- Cuboid
Muscles of Mastication
- Temporalis
- Masseter
- Medial Pterygoid
- Lateral Pterygoid
- Mandibular Branch (V3) of Trigeminal Nerve
- 1st Branchial Arch
Neck and Shoulder Muscles
- Splenius Capitis
- Trapezius
- Rhomboid Minor
- Rhomboid Major
- Deltoid
- Latissimus Dorsi
- Levator Scapulae
- Supraspinatus
- Infraspinatus
- Teres Minor
- Teres Major
Anterior Thorax Muscles
- Pectoralis Minor
- Pectoralis Major
- Serratus Anterior
- Intercostals (External, Internal, Innermost)
- Subcostales
- Transversus Thoracis
- Diaphragm
Back Muscles
- Latissimus Dorsi
- External Oblique
- Internal Oblique
- Gluteus Medius
- Gluteus Maximus
- Erector Spinae
- Serratus Anterior
- Serratus Posterior
Pathways through the Diaphragm
- T8 Level (Caval opening)
- Inferior Vena Cava
- T10 Level (Esophageal Opening)
- Esophagus
- Vagus Nerve
- Esophageal Branches Left Gastric Vessels
- T12 Level (Aortic opening)
- Aorta
- Thoracic Duct
- Azygos Vein
Hand Muscles
- Opponens Pollicis
- Abductor Pollicis Brevis
- Flexor Pollicis Brevis
- Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
- Abductor Digiti Minimi Brevis
- Opponens Digiti Minimi
- Lumbricals
- Interossei (Palmar and Dorsal)
- Palmaris Brevis
- Adductor Pollicis
Deep Gluteal Muscles
- Lateral Rotation and Abduction
- Gluteus Minimus
- Medially Rotates Leg
- Piriformis
- Superior Gemellus
- Obturator Internus
- Inferior Gemellus
- Quadratus Femoris
- Sacrotuberous Ligament
Anterior Thigh Muscles
- Femoral Nerve
- Iliopsoas
- Psoas Innervated by L1-3
- Sartorius
- Pectineus
- Vastus Lateralis
- Vastus Intermedius
- Vastus Medialis
- Rectus Femoris
Medial Thigh Muscles
- Adduct the Thigh
- Obturator Nerve
- Adductor Magnus
- Tibial Nerve
- Adductor Longus
- Adductor Brevis
- Gracilis
- Obturator Externus
- Laterally Rotates Thigh
Posterior Thigh Muscles
- Sciatic Nerve
- Biceps Femoris
- Long and Short Head
- Flex Knee
- Extend Hip
- Laterally Rotate Hip
- Semitendinosus and Semimembranosus
- Flex Knee
- Extend Thigh
- Medially Rotate Thigh and Leg
Anterior Lower Leg Anatomy
- Deep Peroneal Nerve
- Dorsiflex Foot
- Tibialis Anterior
- Invert Foot
- Extensor Digitorum Longus
- Extend 4 Toes
- Extensor Hallucis Longus
- Extend Great Toe
Posterior Lower Leg Anatomy
- Calcaneal Tendon
- Superficial Muscles
- Gastrocnemius
- Soleus
- Plantaris
- Deep Muscles
- Popliteus
- Tibialis Posterior
- Flexor Digitorum Longus
- Flexor Hallucis Longus
- Tibial Nerve
Lateral Lower Leg Anatomy
- Superficial Peroneal Nerve
- Eversion of Foot
- Plantarflexion of Foot
- Fibularis Brevis
- Fibularis Longus
Rotator Cuff
- External Rotation
- Teres Minor
- Infraspinatus
- Internal Rotation
- Subscapularis
- Abduction
- Supraspinatus
Skeletal Muscle Contraction Initiation
- Somatic Motor Neuron Releases Acetylcholine
- Acetylcholine Causes Sodium Influx
- Cell Reaches All-or-Nothing Threshold
- Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels Undergo Conformational Change
- Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Causes Calcium Flood
- Calcium Flood Enters Myofibrils
Muscle Types
- Skeletal Muscle
- Somatic Nervous System
- Striated
- Multinucleate
- Cardiac Muscle
- Autonomic Nervous System
- Myogenic
- Gap Junctions
- Uninucleate
- Smooth Muscle
Skeletal Muscle Contraction Action
- Calcium Binds Troponin
- Active Site Exposed
- Many Mitochondria Produce ATP
- Myosin Head Binds
- Power Stroke
- Myosin Head Releases Active Site
- ATP Consumed