Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
- Enveloped
- Double Stranded DNA
- Herpesvirus 5
- Non Heterophile Antibodies
- Owl's eye inclusions
- Congenital TORCH infection
- Mononucleosis
- Pneumonia
- AIDS retinitis and esophagitis
- Infection in transplant recipients
Epstein Barr Virus
- Herpesvirus 4
- Double Stranded DNA
- Linear
- Enveloped
- Infectious Mononucleosis
- Virus Attaches to CD21 in B Cells
- Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
- Burkitt's Lymphoma
- Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Epstein Barr Virus Mononucleosis
- Mononucleosis
- Fever
- Hepatomegaly
- Splenomegaly
- Pharyngitis
- Posterior Cervical Lymphadenopathy
- Atypical Lymphocytes
- Heterophile Antibodies
- Rash Develops if treated with Ampicillin
- Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Erythema Infectiosum (Fifths Disease)
- Human Parvovirus B19
- Cold-like Symptoms
- Three Stage Rash
- Slapped Face
- Maculopapular Red Spots on Trunk
- Rash Reappears
- Aplastic Crisis
- Joint Pain and Swelling
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
- Enveloped
- Double Stranded DNA
- Linear
- Type 1 HSV
- Gingivostomatitis
- Keratoconjunctivitis
- Encephalitis of Temporal Lobes
- Latent in Trigeminal Ganglia
- Type 2 HSV
- Genital Vesicles
- Neonatal Herpes
- Latent in Sacral Ganglia
- Tzanck Test
- Multinucleated Giant Cells
- Cowdry A Inclusions
- Acyclovir
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Stages
- Primary Infection
- Within 3 Weeks
- Flu-like Symptoms
- Asymptomatic Stage
- Years
- Symptomatic Stage
- CD4+ < 500
- Opportunistic Infections
- CD4+ < 200
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Assessment
- RNA Retrovirus
- CD4+ Helper T Cells
- Flu-like Symptoms
- Lymphadenopathy
- Fatigue
- Diarrhea
- Unexplained Weight Loss
- White Spots on Tongue
- Persistent Fever
- Night Sweats
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Diagnosis
- HIV-1/2 Antigen/Antibody Immunoassay
- HIV-1/2 Antibody Differentiation Immunoassay
- Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT)
- Viral Load
- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) in Neonates
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Interventions
- Adequate Nutrition
- Small Frequent Meals
- IV Hydration
- Emotional Support
- Transmission Education
- Strict Asepsis for Invasive Procedures
- Treat Opportunistic Infections
HIV CD4+ 100
- Aspergillus fumigatus
- Cryptococcus neoformans
- Candida albicans (Esophagitis)
- Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC)
- Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
- Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) B-cell lymphoma
- Toxoplasma gondii
- Cryptosporidium
- Bartonella henselae
HIV CD4+ 200
- Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
- JC Virus
- Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML)
- Pneumocystis Pneumonia
- (HIV) Dementia
- Histoplasmosis
HIV CD4+ 500
- Candida albicans (Oral Thrush)
- Kaposi's Sarcoma (HHV-8)
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
- Epstein-Barr Virus (Oral Hairy Leukoplakia)
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
- Non-enveloped
- Circular
- Double Stranded DNA
- Warts 1, 2, 6, 11
- Condyloma acuminata
- Type 16, 18
- Cervical Carcinoma
- Penile Carcinoma
- AIDS/Immunocompromised
- Worsened by Smoking
- Koilocytic change in squamous epithelium
- Pyknotic Nuclei Surrounded by Clear Halo
- Vaccine Available
Genital Herpes
- Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2 (HSV)
- May Be Asymptomatic
- Oral or Genital Lesions
- Vesicles in Clusters
- Pain
- Flu-like Symptoms
- Acyclovir
- Valacyclovir
- Famciclovir
- Infectious During Recurrences
Genital Warts - Condylomata Acuminata
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
- Papillary Cauliflower Like Growths
- Bleeding
- Vaginal Discharge
- Wart Removal
- Trichloroacetic acid (TCA)
- Podophyllin resin
- Cryotherapy
- HPV Vaccine
- Cervical Cancer
Influenza Virus
- RNA Virus
- Orthomyxovirus
- Enveloped
- Negative Sense
- 8 Segments
- Helical
- Hemagglutinin for Viral Entry
- Neuraminidase for Virion Release
- Genetic Shift
- Reassortment of genome to cause major change
- Genetic Drift
- Minor Antigenic Mutations
- Reye Syndrome with Aspirin Use
- Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Rubeola Virus
- RNA Virus
- Paramyxovirus
- Measles
- Rash Spreads From Head to Toe
- Koplik Spots First
- Red Spots with Blue-White Center on Buccal Mucosa
- Cough
- Coryza
- Conjunctivitis
- Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis
- Giant Cell Pneumonia in Immunosuppressed Patients
- Warthin-Finkeldey Multinucleated Giant Cells
- Vitamin A
Mumps Virus
- Paramyxovirus
- Parotitis
- Increased Serum Amylase
- Orchitis
- Oophoritis
- Aseptic Meningitis
- Pancreatitis
Rabies Virus
- Enveloped
- RNA Virus
- SS Negative Linear
- Helical
- Bullet-Shaped Envelope
- Binds to Acetylcholine Receptor
- Retrograde Fashion
- Migrates to Saliva
- Negri Bodies
- Cytoplasmic Inclusions in Neurons
- Purkinje Cells of Cerebellum
Rabies Symptoms and Animals
- Bats, Skunks, and Raccoons (Inside United States)
- Dog Bites (Outside United States)
- Fever
- Agitation
- Paralysis
- Hydrophobia
- Photophobia
- Fatal If Not Treated
- Exanthem
- Herpesvirus 6
- Enveloped
- Double Stranded DNA
- Linear
- High Fevers Can Lead to Seizures
- Diffuse Macular Rash After Fever
- RNA Virus
- Matonaviridae
- Enveloped
- Icosahedral
- SS Positive Linear
- German Measles or Three-Day Measles
- Fever
- Postauricular Tenderness
- Lymphadenopathy
- Truncal Rash
- Arthritis
- Congenital TORCH Infection
Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV)
- Herpesvirus 3
- Enveloped
- Double Stranded DNA
- Chickenpox
- Pneumonia
- Encephalitis
- Trigeminal and Dorsal Root Ganglia
- Shingles
- Tzanck Test
- Multinucleated Giant Cells
- Cowdry A Inclusion
- Acyclovir