Acute Abdomen Differential Diagnosis: Lower Quadrants
- Appendicitis
- Salpingitis
- Sigmoid Volvulus
- Sigmoid Diverticulitis
- Ectopic Pregnancy
- Ovarian Torsion
- Renal Calculi
- Pyelonephritis
Acute Abdomen Differential Diagnosis: Midepigastrium and Diffuse
- Peptic Ulcer Disease
- Pancreatitis
- Aortic Dissection
- Myocardial Infarction
- Peritonitis
- Hemorrhage or Perforation
- Bowel Obstruction
- Strangulation
- Acute Hepatitis
Acute Abdomen Differential Diagnosis: Upper Quadrants
- Cholecystitis
- Biliary Colic
- Cholangitis
- Perforated Duodenal Ulcer
- Acute Hepatitis
- Splenic Rupture
- IBS (Splenic Flexure Syndrome)
WBC Differential Lab Value
- White Blood Cells (WBC)
- 5-10 (5,000-10,000)
- Neutrophils (50%-70%)
- Bands (2%-5%)
- Segs (50%-70%)
- Lymphocytes (20%-40%)
- Monocytes (4%-8%)
- Eosinophils (2%-4%)
- Basophils (0.5%-1.5%)
Casts in Urine (Differential Diagnosis)
- RBC Casts
- Glomerular Disease
- WBC Casts
- Acute Interstitial Nephritis
- Acute Pyelonephritis
- Fatty Casts
- Maltese Cross Sign
- Nephrotic Syndrome
- Granular Muddy Brown Casts
- Acute Tubular Necrosis (ATN)
- Waxy Casts
- End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) (Chronic Renal Failure)
- Hyaline Casts
- Non-Specific
Sepsis Assessment
- Systemic Infectious Process
- Fever
- Hypotension
- Change in LOC
- Increased WBC
- Shift to the Left
- Tachycardia
- Tachypnea
- Hyperglycemia
- Edema
Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock Assessment
- Microthrombi
- Decreased Oxygen Saturation
- Decreased WBC
- Oliguria
- High Output Heart Failure
- Multiple Organ Failure
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)
- Bleeding State
- Activation of Clotting Factors
- Deficiency of Clotting Factors
- Sepsis
- Trauma
- Obstetric Complications
- Acute Pancreatitis
- Malignancy
- Nephrotic Syndrome
- Transfusion
Motor Neuron Signs UMN and LMN
- Increased DTRs
- Positive Babinski
- Spastic Paralysis
- Clasp-Knife Reaction
- Decreased DTRs
- Negative Babinski
- Flaccid Paralysis
- Muscle Atrophy
- Fasciculations
Glasgow Coma Scale
- LOC Assessment
- Score of 3 to 15
- 8 or Less = Coma
- Eye Opening
- Verbal Response
- Motor Response
Lung Sounds - Wheezes
- Throughout Lung
- High Pitched
- Musical
- Air Moving through Narrowed Airways
Lung Sounds - Crackles
- Lower Lobes
- Fine/Coarse
- Fine: Twisting Hair through Fingers
- Coarse: Velcro
- Collapsed Small Airways and Alveoli "Popping Open"
Lung Sounds - Rhonchi
- Trachea and Bronchi
- Low Pitched Rumbling
- Gurgling
- Narrowed Airway
- Secretions or Bronchospasm
Neurovascular Assessment 6 P's
- Pain
- Paresthesia
- Pulse
- Pallor
- Pressure
- Paralysis
Lung Sounds - Pleural Friction Rub
- Anterior Lateral Lung
- Dry, Rubbing, or Squeaking
- Rubbing a Balloon with Finger
- Inflamed Pleura